Parts of the script

or television program, in which all the details and details of the work or presentation that are due are exposed. to perform.


Television, in the cinema and on the radio, a script is the text that must be followed to present a broadcast or work to a certain audience.

In spelling, a hyphen is the sign to write at the end of a line that ends with a part of a word that does not fit in it.


  • 1Parts of the script
    • 1Name of the work
    • 2Description of the scenario
    • 3Acts
    • 4Enumeration of the characters
    • 5Parliament
    • 6Scenes
    • 7Dialogues
    • 8Dimensions
    • 9Apart
    • 10Characters
    • 11Table
    • 12Stage direction

Parts of the script

Name of the work

It refers to the title of the work itself.

Scenario description

In this part, the characteristics of the stage where each scene will take place are explained in detail.


This part of the script is the one that forms the narration of the play, where it can present a very variable number. Theatrical works can be divided into several acts, where you can find two or three-act works, and even very extensive works consisting of up to five acts have been presented, such as classical works, where the most famous of all is Romeo and Juliet.

Enumeration of the characters

This is the section where the list of the characters that make up the play is shown with their respective interpreters, that is, with the names of the actors and actresses who will play the role.



It refers to the line or text that each actress or actor has and that they must represent to create the dialogues in each scene.



It is one of the parts that make up the acts, where in a single act you get to present a scene, which means jumps in the narrative. For each change of scene the stage or decoration must be changed, since each scene usually contains different environments.


These are the words and phrases that the characters must say.


This is the clarifications that are made within the narrative. These dimensions are always written in parentheses after a dialogue. For example, when a character will ask a question, inside the script and after the name of the characters it is put in parentheses to who is what the question should say.

In a few words, it is about the mimics, gestures, expressions and to whom the author should be addressed while he is speaking, which is placed in parentheses. Through this, the actor or actress knows when to enter and exit scenes, the attitude he should interpret and the expressions he should do in a certain time.

Through this it is also reported on the changes in the decoration that must be made, and the place where each action must take place.


It refers to the moments in which the interpreter gets to express or moves away from something.


It is about the individuals who have a role in the play, whether they are involved in a dialogue or only show their figure on stage.


It is the scenography that forms the ornamentation of the play. It is that part where the decoration of the act is the same.

Stage direction

This is the part of the script considered to be the most narrative in the entire play. It is in this section where the actions that the characters perform during the scenes are described.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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