Paper mache

Papier-mâché is the name of an ancient artisan technique , consisting of making objects, generally decorative and artistic, using paper pulp.


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  • 1 Meaning
  • 2 Origins
  • 3 Preparation of papier-mâché
    • 1 Recipes
  • 4 Source


Papier-mâché simply means chewed or crushed paper, the only ingredients of which are: paper , water, and glue.


It is an ancient craft technique native to China , India and Persia . Its name comes from the French expression papier maché (chewed or crushed paper), because, before there were mills, pasta was made by chewing waste paper. If combined with plaster or plaster , usually to make theater or film sets , the term is papier- mâché.

Preparation of papier-mâché

Paper mache work has a long tradition within the world of crafts and crafts in general. Once the glue dries , the paper thus produced is imperishable over time.


  1. You need a paper cup. First, a roll of toilet paper is broken into small pieces, placed in a saucepan with water and brought to the fire until it boils, we let it cool, liquefy the pulp with a mixer . With your hands, drain the pasta well until all the water is removed . Add a cup of powdered chalk, homemade paste (glue) or powdered glue and the dough is kneaded. This paper pulp must be used the same day.
  2. Ingredients
  • A good quality toilet paper roll is used
  • 2 tablespoons plastic putty or vinyl glue
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • 240 cc. glue for wallpaper
  • 140 cc. chalk powder

Preparation Cut the paper into pieces and soak in plenty of water for approximately 24 hours. Process the paper slowly and boil for about an hour. When it is warm, drain until the pulp is left, when it is drained, disassemble it a little with your fingers and add the rest of the ingredients, mix well until you get a uniform paste. If you want to color the paste, you can add coloring or pigments. To preserve it, it must be stored in the refrigerator and lasts for approximately 4 months.

  1. Ingredients
  • Newspaper
  • Vinyl glue or paste
  • Water
  • Artificial smell (optional, to avoid bad smells and fungi)

Preparation Cut the paper into pieces and soak in water for 5 hours, then drain the paper until there is a dough that can simply be seen to be slightly moldable but must remain damp; then add the vinyl glue or the paste to give the dough moldability and resistance. At the end if you want you can add a few drops of some smell although it is optional (formaldehyde recommended), but it is very useful when you want to keep the dough refrigerated for longer.


by Abdullah Sam
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