My son’s godmother is a special person for me

When choosing the godmother of a child it is not done at random. Not just any person is chosen to have that responsibility … It is not just a figure in a celebration, it is much more than that. A godmother is the person who would take care of that child in the event that something happens to their parents in the future. It is a great responsibility and not everyone is capable of accepting this. Being a godmother is a great honor but you also have to understand the position that being one entails.

Choose the godmother

When parents think of choosing a sponsor, as we said at the beginning, it should not be done in any way. It is not something that should be done just to look good with someone else or to “comply.” The person chosen must be someone who is fully trusted and in the event that something happens to us, we would be calm because we know that he would take great care of our children if needed. That she would treat them as if they were her own children.

When choosing a sponsor, it should NOT be done for any of these reasons:

  • For commitment and look good
  • For having a good relationship with another person
  • For doing someone a favor
  • To pay expenses that we are not capable of assuming

On the other hand, to choose a godmother, you DO have to do it for these reasons:

  • Because we fully trust that person
  • Because you know that he is a person who will not fail you
  • Because it teaches you the importance of life and you know that it has good values ​​that you could transmit to your children if necessary.
  • Because he is a person who would be able to support your partner in everything in case you were missing

That person can be your best friend, your sister, your cousin, your mother … someone who by age may be in your child’s life for a long time in case you are not by his side due to fatalities in life. Therefore, before choosing a person to be your child’s godmother, you must first think about what are the most important qualities that that person should have so that you can be calm once you have chosen them.

A very special person

The godmother has to be a very special person in your life and that she becomes someone important in the life of your child. Someone who is capable of being present in the most special moments of your lives and that your child recognizes her and says with pride: “She is my godmother”, “She is someone I trust completely”. This trust must exist because your child will know that that person really loves him and that he will always want the best for him in any circumstance of life.

A godmother never has to be the type of person who disappears or who never has time to see you or to spend time with your child. For this reason it is so important that you think very well and that you take the time to choose the right person. That person should also be by your side in parenting, you should feel the necessary confidence to be able to talk about any topic that crosses your mind, be it fears, worries or joys.

If you think carefully about who that person can be and you do it following your instincts and intuition, you will not regret it because you will have made sure before making the decision that that person is the one who really deserves to have that responsibility. And if you choose it from the heart, you will know that you will not have made a mistake making that decision.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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