How Much Do Clandestine Immigrants Cost?

Illegal immigration is a common practice in many countries, particularly in Europe and America. Illegal migrants are people who cross the border of a country in such a way as to violate the immigration laws of the land in which they have crossed with the intention of remaining in the country. Many countries have legislated laws that limit immigration. People migrate illegally to other countries for various reasons, including improving income and quality of life.

Population of illegal immigrants

The actual number of illegal immigrants in the United States is uncertain and difficult to ascertain due to difficulties in acquiring an accurate count. The number of illegal immigrants reached a peak of around 12 million in 2007, but since then the number has significantly decreased. Pew Research Center, a non-partisan body, estimated that the population was 11.1 million in 2014. The reduction in the number of illegal immigrants was determined by the reduction in the number of immigrants from Mexico, by the increase in law enforcement and by minors job opportunities in the country. Babies are born in the United States when they cross the border with children and become US citizens naturally. Children are not part of illegal children in the country.

Economic effects of illegal immigrants

Illegal immigrants influence the economy of the country they move to. They can influence the economy positively or negatively. As consumers, they buy goods and services that stimulate economic growth. Although they pay taxes, immigrants are discriminated against and work with low wages and difficult conditions. The government bears a lot of expenses in providing services to illegal immigrants. Taxes paid by immigrants do not offset the total expenses incurred while providing services to them. The resources offered through the federal aid program to local government that provides services to immigrants do not entirely cover the cost of necessities. In 2016, the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy estimated that over 10 million illegal immigrants in the United States pay about $ 11.

Economic cost of illegal immigrants

Illegal immigrants burden the government when they are unable to pay taxes due to restrictive federal policies. Illegal immigrants make up 4% of the school age population. Most children require refresher courses for language skills, further increasing costs in public schools. The detention centers that currently host thousands of illegal immigrants are very expensive. The 600-bed Karnes plant costs the government more than $ 15 million a year to function. Illegal immigrants have also increased the population of the United States leading to a direct impact on per capita wealth. They also contribute to the growth of income inequality in the country. Therefore,

by Abdullah Sam
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