How much cheese can we eat a day?

In the guidelines of a healthy diet, it is recommended to drink milk and milk derivatives daily (between two and three times a day), including cheese, within the framework of a healthy, varied and balanced diet. This is recalled by María Purificación González González, associate professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences of the Faculty of Pharmacy, at CEU San Pablo University (Madrid).

According to the nutrition expert, “it is necessary to talk about the portion of cheese eaten more than one type of cheese more or less healthy than another. You can consume any type of cheese, but it is advisable to take an amount not exceeding 30 or 40 grams , especially in the case of cured cheeses whose caloric value is higher due to their higher concentration of nutrients that provide energy, such as grease. In the case of fresh cheeses the portion can be greater (from 80 to 100 grams) ”.

We must not forget that cheese is one of the main sources of salt in our diet , which is why it is also convenient not to exceed the weight of the portion already mentioned.

Some varieties of cheese have lactic enzyme activity and low lactose content , so they would be indicated in people intolerant to this sugar.

Nutritional benefits of cheese

“The cheese contains in concentrated form (depending on the degree of its maturation) many of the nutrients in the milk from which it comes: proteins , fats , minerals and fat-soluble vitamins . The same does not happen with lactose and with water-soluble vitamins, which are partially lost with whey during the manufacturing process, “explains González González.

  • Proteins are of high biological value, as are those of milk. The maturation of the cheese increases the level of protein use.
  • The fat of the cheese is highly variable in its quantity, mainly according to the origin of the starting milk (sheep’s milk is richer in fat than cow’s milk), the amount of fat (whole or skimmed milk) and the degree of maturation of the cheese. Just as these factors influence the amount of fat, they will not mediate the type of fat. Saturated fat predominates in cheese. The cholesterol content can be very variable (from 80 to 100 milligrams for every 100 grams). Of course, there are also skim cheeses made from skim milk.
  • Cheese, like milk or yogurt, provides a very accessible and bioavailable source of the minerals calcium and phosphorus, minerals necessary to promote bone and tooth health under normal conditions.
  • Some varietiesof cheese have a significant potassium content , which contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure; a high content of magnesium , which helps decrease tiredness and fatigue; and an important zinc content , which contributes to the normal metabolism of carbohydrates .
  • The cheese has a high content of vitamin B12, which favors the normal functioning of the immune system. The bioavailability of vitamin D present in cheese is influenced by calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and cholesterol, but further research is undoubtedly necessary to understand its absorption mechanism.

Does the amount of calcium influence healing or other factors?

Although, in general, the bioavailability of minerals is not affected by the cheese making processes, the content of these minerals does depend on several factors, including the variety of cheese and the manufacturing process.

The professor at the CEU San Pablo University offers the following explanation: “The coagulation process to obtain the curd influences the final amount of calcium in the cheese. Coagulation cheeses exclusively for rennet, both soft, semi-hard and hard cheeses contain 4 to 10 times the calcium in milk, because two thirds of this mineral is associated with the proteins (caseins) of the curd and it precipitates during the enzymatic coagulation of milk. However, if the cheese is obtained by lactic coagulation, the calcium passes almost entirely into the whey and is lost during whey removal. ”

Most cheese varieties are made by combining these two ways of obtaining the curd, therefore, most cheeses contain high amounts of calcium.

On the other hand, taking into account the degree of curing of the cheese, the higher the degree of curing, the greater the loss of water and, consequently, the higher the concentration of nutrients, in general, and of calcium, in particular.

Fat and degree of cure go hand in hand?

The fat content in most cheeses is higher than that of the starting milk. “It has already been commented that the final value of fat depends, among other factors, on the amount of fat in the milk from which it comes, and in addition to the duration of maturation, as it happens with almost all other nutrients. A portion of fresh cheese contains less fat than the same portion of aged, aged or aged cheese, “says González González.

Compared to the fat content of goat’s milk, which is approximately 4 percent, cured goat cheese is 39 percent fat. In contrast, the amount of fat in young goat cheese is around 16 percent.

Controversy over the link between cheese and increased cholesterol

The nutrition expert points out that there is scientific evidence that states that saturated fats and cholesterol in the diet come from foods of animal origin (such as milk and milk derivatives, such as cheese) and other processed foods (such as potato chips). , cakes and biscuits) increase the risk of cardiovascular disease due to its influence on the increase of total serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, which contribute to the development of atheroma plaque. However, he adds, recent scientific studies have found that fat from dairy products consumed within recommended amounts is associated with favorable serum cholesterol levels in healthy people and healthy lifestyles.

“Given this controversy of results in the scientific literature, more research is undoubtedly necessary to understand this link more deeply,” concludes González González.

If you don’t want to get fat, do you have to moderate or restrict your consumption?

Cheeses with a high degree of maturation are characterized by a high amount of fat, which among the nutrients provides the highest energy value. Although fat is necessary for the body because it provides some vitamins (A and D) and essential fatty acids, the abusive consumption of high-fat cheese quickly causes satiety and prevents the consumption of other foods that are a source of other necessary nutrients.

To achieve a varied, healthy and balanced diet that helps maintain body weight and in which there is no deficit or excess nutrients, it is advisable to moderate the consumption of foods rich in fat such as cheese, and to practice physical activity regular. “In the event that a person has practically no or essentially sedentary activity, then fatty foods should be restricted,” stresses the professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

How to know that a cheese is in bad condition

González González explains below several cases that can help to recognize that a cheese is already in poor condition:

  • In the case of matured cheeses that show on the outside the usual appearance and smell as a consequence of the growth of molds previously inoculated for curing, it can be trusted to be in good condition. An example is Brie cheese or Camembert . These soft cheeses or pasta have good conditions for the growth of microorganisms arising from contamination and may appear due to their growth, stains and strange and different odors than usual. Then you can leave the cheese unfit for consumption. Hence the need to always keep these cheeses in refrigeration, to avoid contamination or slow down their development.
  • In the case of mature and hard cheeses, such as Parmesan cheese , which can also be matured by growing mold on its external surface, due to its greater hardness (or, in other words, due to its lower humidity), it is It is unlikely that microorganisms other than inoculated will grow for maturation. The physical and chemical conditions of the cheese are selective for the beneficial microorganism.
  • On the other hand, in soft or fresh cheeses(which lack a curing process) it is where there is a greater possibility of growth of microorganisms that leave the cheese unfit for consumption. Although it is mandatory that the milk used to make these cheeses is at least pasteurized, this heat treatment guarantees the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, but it does not prevent a reduced number of its own lactic bacteria from remaining present. Even when the cheese is at refrigeration temperature, in a short period of time these bacteria are responsible for the acidic odors and flavors appearing in the cheese, and yellowish colors. These are all signs that the cheese is not fit for consumption.

Can you eat the bark of all kinds?

There is no reason not to consume the rind, if the consumer so desires. The coating materials and the surface treatment of the cheeses, mainly for the matured ones, are authorized edible materials.

Consumption in menopausal women and in childhood

At menopause

“Women of premenopausal and menopausal age continue to need the nutritional support provided by milk and derivatives, including cheese. The cheeses recommended for this age would be in accordance with the rest of the diet and the lifestyle that they usually maintain, ”says the professor at the CEU San Pablo University.

A healthy person, who leads a balanced diet and an active life, and does not have allergies, can take any type of cheese. On the other hand, if your life is sedentary, you should recommend the consumption of fresh or semi-cured cheese, whose energy value is lower, and in smaller portions.

At any age, it is important to cover the recommended calcium intakes, as well as the other nutrients. In premenopause and menopause 1,200 milligrams of calcium are recommended daily. To achieve this intake, the consumption of dairy products (cheeses) that are good sources of calcium is generally recommended. It is also obtained with other foods such as some fish (sardines, anchovies, tuna and prawns) rich in calcium. In this sense, the advantage of dairy products over other foods is the greater bioavailability of calcium for the aforementioned reasons.

In children

Children can eat cheese of any type, be it cow, sheep or goat. Their nutritional value is similar, regardless of the animal they come from.

Cheese can be offered from nine months of age , being better at this stage to start with the fresh or tender. After this age, in general, children like cow’s milk cheese more, because it is softer.

” With a consumption of cheese in recommended quantities (30 grams, standard serving of cheese) the intake of nutrients , including calcium, is similar to that provided by a glass of milk or yogurt (which, in turn, equals one-third of the recommended daily calcium intake)


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