MOC: what is it, how is it done?

MOC is an X-ray bone examination that affects osteoporosis and postmenopausal women, but not only. Let’s find out together and see what results it can offer us.

The term MOC is an acronym that stands for Computerized Bone Mineralometry.
This is a radiological examination, which then uses X-rays, which is used to measure the amount of calcium present in the bones, that is, it measures bone mass and density.

It is a test that is used to assess the risk of bone loss and the degree of it. We will explain better: we are talking about osteopenia if of an initial degree, or of osteoporosis – you will surely have heard of it – if of a severe degree, both in men and women.

Bone loss is a phenomenon that goes hand in hand with advancing age: that is why osteoporosisboth men and women suffer, but the latter are more likely to develop it at a younger age, since menopause , with the reduction of estrogen, is one of the first risk factors.



L ‘ osteoporosis is not a disease, but a condition of risk, namely the reduction of the bone mineral content predisposes to an increased risk of fracture, even spontaneous, which may occur ie even in the absence of major trauma, with consequent decrease in the quality of life. It can also represent a cause of mortality in older people, if we consider the fracture of the femur and the consequent prolonged bed rest, which favors the appearance of other concomitant diseases, such as infections or thrombosis, which also increase mortality.
Knowing in time that you have osteoporosis means being able to intervene early with some measures, such as diet and suitable physical activity and therapies to stop its evolution.
The introduction of sufficient quantities of calcium in the diet (but above all having made the “peak of bone mass” before the age of 20 with the right amount of calcium) is essential.

But even more important is the support of vitamin D , which allows calcium to be fixed in the bone.
Vitamin D comes from sun exposure, so it seems easy to get it; but most of the population is deficient because there is little exposure to the sun and when you do, you use sunscreens that counteract the intake of the vitamin. There are also regions where the sun is very little seen in the winter months! This is why vitamin D can be measured in the blood and, in the presence of insufficient values,
The MOC is especially recommended in those phases of life in which supplementation is necessary, because the bone is most affected, such as during adolescence, pregnancy and menopause .
Find out how the body changes in menopause in our article.

The most suitable physical activity, on the other hand, is that which exploits the force of gravity; therefore swimming is of little use, while the sport that represents the best way to “make bone” is dancing!
It is estimated that one third of Caucasian women over the age of 50 have osteoporosis and 75% of cases are not even diagnosed.

The osteoporosis fractureit therefore represents an important “social disease”, a cause of mortality and social and health assistance.

The MOC is therefore a really useful tool to reduce this risk. This examination can be performed in different ways and on different skeletal segments.

DEXA is a device that allows you to use an extremely low dose of X-rays (much less than a normal chest x-ray) and perform a reliable, safe, quick and painless examination. It is therefore highly recommended over other execution modes.

The examination lasts about 5 minutes and does not require any specific preparation: the patient is made to lie down on a bed, where the X-ray emission instrument is located under the mattress and is coupled with a movable arm that slides along the body to the detection of rays.

The cost of a MOC

In Italy it is very variable, it depends on the type of device used and the area to be evaluated. Let’s say that with the national health service it is around 60 euros, while in private regime it can cost up to 250.

Usually the lumbar spine is examined, between the L2 and L4 vertebrae before the age of 65 and the femur after 65 years. In fact, the first bone tissue that suffers from estrogen deficiency is that of the spinal column; when this tissue is “normal”, it means that the entire skeletal system of the body is in a phase of balance. The risk of spontaneous vertebral fracture or vertebral failure is the most common and the most fearful in menopausal women with osteoporosis .
We said that theMOC detects the mass (BMC) and the density of the bone (BMD): these are expressed through an index called “T score”. The T score value indicates the variation from the average: the + 1-1 range represents the limits of the average.

Values ​​below -1.5 indicate the presence of osteopenia , while the diagnosis of osteoporosis is made with values ​​below -2.5. The presence of osteoporosis means a significant increase in the possibility of developing a fracture.

The MOC is not a screening test that has to undergo either the entire population.
It is the doctor who requests and prescribes it.

It is generally required in the presence of risk factors, such as familiarity, physical constitution, dietary intake deficient in calcium and vitamin D, long-term exposure to drugs that may have reduced bone mass, such as anticoagulant and cortisone therapies.
In women, the greatest risk factor is the lack of estrogen, since these hormones favor bone deposition and its maintenance. Thin women

are more at risk of developing osteoporosis (as fatty tissue also produces estrogen), women who have been without periods of childbearing age for a long time or who have experienced premature menopause before the age of 40 .
In the absence of obvious risk factors, a first MOC check may still be required when the woman goes through menopause (therefore generally after 12 months of absence of the cycle). Faced with normal values, it can be repeated after 5 years, to evaluate the well-being of the bone over time.

In the face of osteopenia values, it is sufficient to correct the lifestyle, while in the presence of osteoporosis specific therapies can be set.

These consist of hormonal therapies, especially if it has not been more than 5 years since menopause; the administration of estrogen allows to bring the bone back to normal density values ​​and thus reduce the risk of fracture for as long as the therapy is taken.

Another therapy to be reserved for those who have contraindications to the use of hormones or in those who are more advanced in age and have already done hormone therapy for too long is alendronates.
These drugs are administered weekly and reduce the risk of fracture.


by Abdullah Sam
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