What Was Mission April 13 Between Venezuelan and Bolivarian Governmen

Mission April 13 . Initiative of the Venezuelan State and the Bolivarian Government for the revival of popular power and the social battle to eradicate poverty, responding to the most felt needs of the communities in Venezuela .


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  • 1 Background
  • 2 Objectives
  • 3 Stages
  • 4 Communal Power
  • 5 External Link
  • 6 Source


The name of this mission marks the day that the leader Hugo Rafael Chavez returned to the government, 48 hours after opponents will plan, on 11 April of the 2002 , failed coup to remove him from power. It was born in recognition of the Bolivarian Government for the organized communities, as a reminder of these events when the Popular Power was in charge of defending the revolutionary process, after the coup attempt.

The mission was launched in April of 2008 by the President in the “Alo Presidente” 318 program carried out from the sector 3 of the bulb, in Petare, Sucre Municipality of Miranda State.

The Mission contemplates the participation of the Ministries of the Popular Power for Housing and Habitat, Participation and Social Protection, Planning and Development, Infrastructure and Community Economy, Energy and Oil, Environment, among others; to serve them comprehensively, working on physical, economic and social aspects, complying with the inclusion model and providing a better quality of life to Venezuelans.


Reinforce the process of deepening the Revolution with the strengthening of Popular Power in the comprehensive satisfaction of human needs and the socio-territorial articulation in Socialist Communes. The fulfillment of this objective implies the development of two transversal axes:

  • Improve the living conditions of the communities.
  • Develop socialist consciousness with communal articulation.

Generate concrete references of communal management, in the exercise of revolutionary democracy and the principle of shared responsibility between the State and Organized People, through the effective solution of the needs of the communities, consolidating the social missions of the revolution, the communal economy plans and comprehensive developments for habitat transformation.


It is executed in 2 stages: in the first, superhuman efforts are made to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants and the second is in charge of building socialist communities to modify the socio-territorial structure towards articulated and self-sustaining socialist communes and cities, which guarantee the operation development and quality of life of the population.

It is a mission in which the people interact as the governing body and the Government as the executor, that is, it is a direct mission where intermediaries are not accepted, such as the governorships, mayors and different ministries, although they work together, they are not they are the ones who carry the guidelines, but the people.

Communal Power

The April 13 Mission is in charge of consolidating communal power, proving that with organized communities it is possible to provide immediate solutions to the difficulties of each sector, and thus achieve the development of areas of difficult access, as well as the solution immediate needs for housing infrastructure, health, education, food, in addition to helping with the provision of basic services that some areas lack.

It is an effort to articulate the action of the revolutionary State with the organized people, for the deepening, diffusion and massification of the revolution, achieving a presence in the places where it has not been reached to transform the State that the Bolivarian revolution wants.


by Abdullah Sam
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