We compiled an extensive list of commands that you can use to modify the world of Minecraft to your liking.

Looking for other  video game cheats or guides ? Here you will find some of the most useful

Minecraft has become friends. The game has been gaining impressive popularity in recent months and has welcomed a ton of new players. Mojang’s voxel proposal has received numerous updates and is now a much more complete game compared to its first years of life . What has not changed is the command system, codes that help us to model the world of Minecraft to our liking and that offer us a lot of naturally inaccessible possibilities.

New commands have appeared throughout the updates, and today the list is quite extensive. We collect all the essential commands that you can execute in your Minecraft worlds.

▷ How to activate the commands in Minecraft?

First of all, it should be noted that for some of these commands a specific block that Mojang has created for that purpose is necessary. The “Command Block” will allow you to execute all the commands in the list , but some of them also work by entering them in the chat console. To open the console simply press the “T” key and enter the command, but to ensure that they all work, we recommend using the block. Remember to activate the “Enable cheats” tab in the advanced options when creating the world.

The command block can only be placed in creative mode. To purchase the block, open the console and enter the following code:

/ give (username) command_block

One last notice, when in the commands it is necessary to establish coordinates (XYZ), you can access this information easily by pressing F3. Now, we leave you with the list of the most useful Minecraft commands.

▷ Player commands

/ kill [player name] Kill the player or a specific player
/ tp [player name] Teleports you to the selected coordinates
/ experience add Add the selected amount of experience to the player
/ gamerule keepInventory true Allows you to keep your inventory after dying
/ enchant [level] Apply the selected enchantment to the item the player is holding. Here we leave you the complete list of enchantment IDs
/ give [amount] Add a specific item to the player inventory, here is the full list of item IDs
/ summon [xyz] Spawns the selected entity at the specified coordinates. Here you have the complete list of entities in Minecraft
/ effect [duration] Apply a status effect to a player or entity, see here the full list of effects
/ effect clear [effect] Removes an effect applied to an entity

▷ Game mode commands

/ gamemode survival Survival mode
/ gamemode creative Creative mode
/ gamemode adventure Adventure mode
/ gamemode spectator Spectator mode

▷ World and time commands

/ time set day It’s daylight in Minecraft
/ time set night It gets dark in Minecraft
/ time set 18000 Midnight comes
/ time set 12000 Dusk
/ time set 6000 It’s noon
/ time set 0 Dawns
/ gamerule doDaylightCycle false  Time freezes in its current state
/ time query gametime  Pick up the game time
/ seed Generate a seed that will allow you to recreate your world later

▷ Weather commands

/ weather clear  Clear sky
/ weather rain  Raining
/ weather thunder  Electric storm
/ gamerule doWeatherCycle false Maintains the current climate

▷ Difficulty commands

/ difficulty peaceful Peaceful mode (no hostile mobs)
/ difficulty easy Easy mode
/ difficulty normal Normal mode
/ difficulty hard Hard mode


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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