Milk cream

milk : or cream is cream substance or fatty element on the surface of the milk when it is in its natural and pure, thick consistency, its hue is white or yellowish and salt.


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  • 1 Origins of Milk Cream
  • 2 Ingredients for Milk Cream
  • 3 How to prepare the Milk Cream
  • 4 varieties of milk cream
  • 5 Nutritional Value
  • 6 Disadvantages of Milk Cream
  • 7 Sources

Origins of Milk Cream

It dates back to the 17th century when, thanks to the cooks of the French court, it is no longer used only to make butter and its smoothness and lightness begin to be appreciated. Already by the 20th century it became the basic ingredient of many kitchens.

Milk cream should have a more or less viscous liquid consistency. Its main nutrient is fat and depending on the amount of it it contains, then it will be a double cream – if it has more than 50% -. If it is more than 30% it will be suitable for whipping and if it does not reach 20% then it will only be suitable for cooking.

Milk cream should not be confused with chantilly cream.


Ingredients for the Cream of milk

  • 250 g of whole milk.
  • 200 g of butter cut into small pieces.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.

How to prepare the cream of milk

It is easy and simple, but if we must wait once we remove from the fire to cool it, which will take about 5 hours or a whole night.

  1. In a saucepan over low heat, heat the milk and butter, stirring constantly until the butter is melted. 2. Be careful, you cannot allow the milk to boil. 3. When the butter is completely melted, add the mixture to the blender and blend for 2 minutes until the mixture looks frothy. 4. Place the mixture in a container and refrigerate for about 5 hours or overnight. 5. After this time, add the sugar and stir gently with a tablespoon of stick.

Milk cream varieties

  • Light Milk Cream
  • Milk Cream (Greater)
  • Light Milk Cream
  • Sour cream
  • Whipped cream
  • Chantilly cream
  • Double Cream
  • Lumpy Cream (Heavy)
  • Extremely Gras Cream
  • Homemade Milk Cream

Nutritional value

Essential Fatty Acids, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vitamins A, B1, B2, B12 and D, and minerals such as Calcium.


Disadvantages of Milk Cream

Milk cream is a food that is generally well tolerated by everyone, but its consumption should be moderate due to its high fat content, since it can promote obesity and increase harmful cholesterol. 100 grams of regular milk cream contain about 350 calories.


by Abdullah Sam
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