Mental structures

The mental structures are impressions in the brain of attitudes, behaviors, habits that accumulate over time in humans learned in the family , in school , in schools, in universities, in their relations with other individuals and with organizations, for example. fears, knowledge, behaviors, protocols.


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  • 1 Features
  • 2 Training
  • 3 Factors involved in mental structures
  • 4 The creation of mental structures in babies
  • 5 Source


Within the mental structures of the human being there are 3 areas of consciousness , in its first topic, which are called:

  • Unconscious: The place where we dream, where our impulses and our search for pleasureare manifested .
  • Pre-conscious: It is the place between the unconscious and the conscious, and it is separated from the first by censorship.
  • Conscious: It is the place in which we reason daily and discriminate our impulses, not allowing ourselves to be instinctive because there is a community that may be surprised or offended by affecting social rules.

The understanding of mental structures facilitate the development of genetic processes, thought processes and cognitive processes from the action of metacognition , to learn to learn, organize knowledge, develop capacities and modes of thought that allow the individual and collective being, access to content and the possibility of knowing, assessing and transforming mental structures based on learning and teaching processes


The structure is created as we grow through the understanding of how our environment works. Although during childhood the human being is not aware that, by law of attraction, understanding that environment ends up creating it. In this way it becomes a retro-fed circuit that only needs a small hint of what the environment should be like to make it that way. Depending on the personality and creativity of the individual, that environment will be happy or sad, simple or intricate. With regard to the complexity of the environment, the intelligence of the person has a lot to do with it in the sense that they can handle more or fewer variables to which they can apply creativity so that they end up manifesting in their life.

Factors involved in mental structures

  • The intellectual coherent in the first instance. The personality itself influences since according to it and education a certain mental structure is formed that allows you to understand one or another subject more easily (look for example in the personality of a mathematician against that of a philosopher, or the of a doctor against that of an accountant)
  • The ability to manage stress is another factor that undoubtedly influences your ability to learn.

The creation of mental structures in babies

The spatial cognition is the key element for the process of concept formation during the first months of life. Babies can attend to movements and other spatial relationships that later lead to more complex conceptualizations, such as time or emotions. Children are able to contextualize more complex things and everything is based on spatial relationships. During 6-12 months children are very good when it comes to attending to spatial stories with containers. They pay a lot of attention to the action, whether something goes in or out. These habits acquired during the first months of life greatly influence the later, more complex aspects of language. That is why if as a child you have problems during the acquisition of these habits, this can affect the subsequent development of language. the child’s reasoning tends to organize the information it collects from the environment into structures or schemes, which allows it to better assimilate knowledge, achieving adequate learning since their thinking is concrete.

The mental structures or schemes allow the child to differentiate, compare, categorize, sequence, group and organize their knowledge, thus being able to give a precise meaning to things. So we can say that mental structures are strategies that help the child to graphically represent their ideas and learnings, constructing new knowledge in a schematic way, giving them a meaning that allows them to understand and relate them to previous knowledge.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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