Menopause And Pompoirism;Know the benefits

The arrival of menopause is seen as fear by most women.

After all, the drop in hormonal production brings several body changes – many of them, negative.

Therefore, having allies to bring more comfort and quality of life is very good. In fact, did you know that pompoirism can be one of them?

Many people believe that sexual desire dies with menopause. Look, this is not true. Everyone is entitled to a full and happy love life, regardless of age!

Therefore, pompoarism appears as a technique in which the woman uses to dominate her body and feel more pleasure during intercourse.

Doubt? In this post, you will know:

  • What is menopause;
  • What is pompoarism;
  • How pompoir can relieve symptoms of menopause

What is menopause?

Menopause is actually the last menstruation a woman has in her life.

However, the term is also used to describe the period of life after the last menstrual cycle, which can occur naturally or with the removal of the uterus in a surgical procedure.

Thus, the moment is characterized by the interruption of the development of egg-producing follicles by the ovaries. Namely, the woman produces sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) even when she is in the mother’s womb.

At puberty, as the ovaries mature, it produces much larger amounts of these hormones – and will continue to do so for a few decades.

At the age of 40 to 50, the older ovaries stop making them. As the endometrium (inner wall of the uterus) no longer receives hormones, it stops falling and, consequently, the woman stops menstruating and enters menopause.

However, this process does not happen overnight. It takes the body a few months to stop menstruating. Therefore, this time of transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive period, in which menstrual cycles become irregular, is called climacteric.

Thus, in order for a woman to be sure that she is in menopause, she needs to stay for at least a year without spontaneously menstruating. The interruption of hormone production brings about several physiological changes. Therefore, even the variation in symptoms can differ greatly from one woman to another: one may experience very few symptoms, another has intermediate symptoms and another may suffer a lot.

Anyway, some symptoms of menopause are:

  • Dryness and vaginal discomfort, which makes it difficult to have sex;
  • Predisposition to osteoporosis, caused by the drop in estrogen;
  • Concentration of adipose tissue in the belly;
  • Changes in the vulva, vagina, urethra and bladder;
  • Heat waves in the neck, face and breasts;
  • Greater difficulty in having orgasms;
  • Tendency to develop depression;
  • Weakening of the nails;
  • Lack of cholesterol;
  • Collagen decrease;
  • Tiredness and indisposition;
  • Mood changes;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Loss of hair;
  • Loss of libido;
  • Decures the skin;
  • Irritability.


Because it is a difficult stage for most women, treatments are available to bring comfort and mitigate symptoms.

By the way, the best known is oral hormone replacement, but there are other resources that can help in specific areas of life. Look that:

Hormone replacement

First, it is important to know that hormone replacement is one in which women synthetically replace hormones that the body does not produce as before.

Finally, it is the most famous treatment and brings excellent benefits, such as female cardiovascular protection and reduced risk of bowel and ovarian cancer .

However, the problem is that synthetic hormones can also provide intense side effects, depending on the sensitivity of each organism.

Therefore, hormone replacement is not indicated when there is a family history of breast cancer .

Today, there are different ways to do this replacement:

  • Pills;
  • Vaginal ring;
  • Adhesive;
  • Injection;
  • Gel.


For those who want to have a full sex life, without vaginal dryness getting in the way, the use of lubricants greatly facilitates penetration, reducing pain and giving more pleasure.

In fact, foreplay and saliva also help, but the lubricant creates a longer lasting layer and provides more comfort.

Physical activity

Physical exercise is all good at any stage of life, isn’t it?

And above all they help a lot during menopause!

Thirty minutes of aerobic activity daily improves flexibility, the cardiovascular system and reduces hot flashes (the unbearable heat waves).

Meanwhile, exercises that require strength stimulate the bones to take in calcium and condition the body’s lean mass.

Therefore, combine weight training with another activity, such as dancing, swimming and walking.

Vitamins and minerals

The intake of vitamin complexes can greatly help to reduce the discomfort of menopause. Look:

  • Calcium: decreases the risk of osteoporosis;
  • Vitamin D: helps the body to absorb calcium;
  • Vitamin C: helps to control menstrual bleeding that occurs during the climacteric;
  • Flavonoids: in addition to helping to control bleeding, they also relieve hot flushes and mood swings;
  • Vitamin E: leaves nails and skin healthier, in addition to controlling hot flashes, vaginal dryness and breast tenderness.

In fact, inserting foods with these substances in your diet is a natural and healthy alternative to consuming them. Talk to your doctor to find the best alternative!

What is pompoarism?

Pompoarism  is an ancient technique for strengthening the muscles of the vaginal apparatus and, at the same time, for discovering and empowering female pleasure.

Originating in India, this vaginal gymnastics was perfected in Japan and Indonesia.

Although very old, pompoirism only arrived in the West in the 1940s. Arnold Kegel, an American gynecologist, brought the technique as a non-surgical treatment of urinary incontinence in pregnant women.

Currently, pompoarism works all the muscles of the vaginal apparatus using, basically, contraction and relaxation. Although it sounds simple, the technique ranges from basic to advanced exercises, which have tools to demand more strength and control of the vagina .

Therefore, you must have professional supervision so that you can practice safely at home.

Why are menopause and pompoirism all about?

With age, it is normal for us to lose muscle tone. This is also common in the region that supports the pelvic floor.

But, like any physical exercise, pompoirism brings several benefits that go far beyond what one imagines.

And if you are in menopause, you can take advantage of several of them. Look:

Hormonal regulation

Pompoirism stimulates the production of hormones. With this, many symptoms are controlled, such as hot flushes and loss of libido.


Vaginal lubrication also improves considerably thanks to exercise!

This is because the contraction and relaxation movements improve the blood supply to the vaginal canal, which stimulates moisture in the region


With the regulation of female hormone production, libido increases again .

In addition, the strength of the muscles and the return of vaginal lubrication make women more confident and comfortable to have an active sex life.

That’s because you can decide when you want to have pleasure!

Likewise, another advantage is that, in addition to the muscles of the vagina, pompoarism also strengthens the anus.

Therefore, if you also enjoy anal sex, you can also benefit from this practice.


The woman who practices pompoirism daily has no difficulty in reaching orgasm .

In addition, it tends to be much more intense!

In this way, she is able to make several movements in the partner’s penis, which increases her self-confidence during sexual intercourse.

Dyspareunia reduction

The dyspareunia is a condition in which women feel pain every time you have sex.

It can certainly be related to several causes, such as lack of lubrication and vaginismus (involuntary stiffening of the muscles around the vagina).

During menopause, the problem becomes more common precisely because of vaginal dryness and lack of elasticity.

For example, with pompoarism, the vagina is irrigated again and the production of hormones increases, decreasing or eliminating the symptoms of dyspareunia.

Bowel function

The strength of the vaginal movements also influences the peristaltic movements of the intestine.

Look, we work on the abdominal muscles a lot while doing the exercises.

With this, the organ is able to better absorb nutrients from our food and eliminate toxins more easily.

Hair, nails and skin

The proper functioning of the intestine has a positive influence on the skin and cutaneous attachments.

In this sense, as toxins are eliminated, they do not settle in these regions.

Urinary incontinence

As I told you, Kegel brought exercise to the West in order to prevent incontinence in pregnant women.

And, with advancing age and the sagging of the pelvic floor muscles, this problem happens more easily.

Anyway, pompoirism brings more strength to the region, preventing you from urinating while laughing, exercising or even getting scared.


Did you see how vaginal gymnastics can do a lot for your health, even after menopause?

But the benefits are not just for those who no longer menstruate – women of all ages (from 18 years old) can practice to improve lubrication, strengthen muscles and have a much more complete sex life! Exercises are effective even for reducing menstrual cramps!

So don’t wait until later! Start practicing the exercises now!

Do you already practice pompoirism? Tell us in the comments about the impact that intimate gymnastics has brought on your life, I would love to know! In fact, become a pompoarista with my course!

I’m sure it will help you with self – esteem , health and relationships!

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by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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