
Mendelevium . Symbol Md, atomic number 101 and twelfth member of the elements of the actinide series. Mendelevium is not found in nature ; It was discovered and is being prepared by artificial nuclear transmutation of a lighter element.


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  • 1 Mendelevium
  • 2 Effects of Mendelevium on health
  • 3 Environmental effects of Mendelevium
  • 4 Source


Its known isotopes have mass numbers from 248 to 258 and half-lives ranging from a few seconds to approximately 55 days . All are produced by bombarding charged particles from the more abundant isotopes. The quantities of mendelevium that are obtained and used in the studies of chemical and nuclear properties are less than a million atoms ; this is on the order of a million times less than a quantity that can be weighed. Studies of the chemical properties of mendelevium are limited to minute amounts.

The behavior of mendelevium in ion exchange chromatography shows that it exists in aqueous solution, mainly in the 3+ oxidation state characteristic of actinide elements. However, it also has a device oxidation state (2+) and a monopositive (1+)

Effects of Mendelevium on health

Mendelevium does not occur in nature , and has not been found in the earth’s crust, so there is no reason to consider its effects on health.

Environmental effects of Mendelevium

Mendelevium does not occur in nature, and it has not been found in the earth’s crust, so there is no reason to consider its effects on the environment.


by Abdullah Sam
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