
Meekness . Meekness is called meekness. It refers to docility, softness or kindness in character or treatment.


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  • 1 Meanings
  • 2 Social area
  • 3 Manifestations that describe meekness
    • 1 According to the Bible
      • 1.1 Meekness in the New Testament (Bible)
    • 4 Sources


The word, as such, comes from the Latin mansuetūdo, mansuetudĭnis. Meekness is a value highly appreciated by those who submit to religious discipline, since it implies great humility and self-control, as well as great obedience and rigid observance of the rules.

Social ambit

Meekness, sometimes confused with weakness, supposes a great inner strength and an enormous conviction to face difficult or adverse situations without resorting to violence or falling prey to feelings of anger and rancor.

In this sense, meekness helps us develop self-control and strengthen our personal, moral or spiritual convictions. Meekness also designates the attitude or behavior of an animal that is not wild or wild. In this way, we can talk about meekness in animals such as cows , elephants , giraffes , etc.

Manifestations that describe meekness

  • Humility
  • Patience
  • Goodness
  • Docility
  • Submission
  • Obedience
  • Humility
  • Discipline
  • Fidelity
  • Compliance
  • performance

According to the Bible

In Christian theology, meekness is defined as the internal process by which a person lives in peace (Psalm 37:11 which says: But the meek will inherit the earth, And will rejoice in abundance of peace .), And become cease great offenses (Ecclesiastes 10: 4 states that: If the spirit of the prince is exalted against you, do not leave your place; for meekness will cause great offenses to cease .).

The importance of these lists of qualities is that Christianity governs their image of man on them and bases their moral theology on them. Thus, the Christian must direct his life towards charity, goodness, temperance, among others. Specifically, meekness has to find inner resistance by man, that is, it is not a natural disposition in him, that is why it is only possible to develop this quality through the power of the Holy Spirit , since humanly it is possible to fail. So there is a daily fight against the flesh, to ensure that the fruit of the Spirit always prevails. From this approach derives being guided to the path of holiness and seeking to imitate Jesus while living.

Meekness in the New Testament (Bible)

Unlike the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12: 1-11), also known and shared by Judeo-Christian theology, the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23) is a manifest work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian for good profit. . It is first coined in one of St. Paul’s epistles , specifically the Epistle to the Galatians (Gal 5:22). There, meekness appears along with the other qualities: Love , Joy , Peace , Patience , Kindness , Goodness , Faith and Temperance .

The Bible says that Moses was very meek (Numbers 12: 3 says: … And that man Moses was very meek, more than all the men that were on the earth .) In other words, he could keep a good balance between the emotional extremes.

Meekness also appears in the New Testament , presented as a distinctive feature of the preaching of Jesus of Nazareth . It is one of the nine beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount : ” Blessed are the HANDS, for they will receive the land as an inheritance ” (Matthew 5.5). In Matthew 11:29 it is said, ” Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls ». This meekness that the Gospels attribute to Jesus is finally exemplified by the acceptance of his ordeal and death after being strengthened by an angel to do the will of God


by Abdullah Sam
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