Magnify text and icons on Windows

If we use a large screen or with a high resolution (starting from 1920×1080 pixels) we will notice that on Windows the readability will not be the best, with icons and small text .

This is not a defect, but the consequence of the fact that the screen space widens by setting the higher resolution. The solution to this problem is certainly not to lower the resolution, because the visual quality supported by the screen would also decrease.

To solve this problem we can increase the size of the text and icons of the system , in order to enlarge the writing on the desktop and in every window and program, without losing visual quality and without seeing blurred characters.

Let’s see how to enlarge text and icons on Windows to withstand even the highest resolutions of modern monitors.

How to enlarge text and icons on Windows

The settings to change the size of the text and icons on Windows are integrated within the system, we just have to open the configuration panel suitable for the Microsoft operating system used and set the desired zoom value (expressed in percentage values) . Normal zoom is always indicated as 100%, so just choose a slightly higher value to get an enlargement of the text and icons.

How to enlarge text and icons on Windows 10

In Windows 10 the options to enlarge or reduce the size of text and icons on the screen can be changed by pressing on the Start menu at the bottom left, opening the Settings app , clicking on the System menu and taking us to the Screen menu .

In the Resizing and layout section we can change the magnification of the text and icons by changing the percentage value expressed in the field Change the size of text, apps and other elements . In Windows 10 we can enlarge each element of the system up to 175% (where allowed), although in most cases it is sufficient to set a magnification value between 110% and 125% to obtain a good result without distorting the icons and the texts (which can also be very annoying with too much zoom applied).

To avoid a decrease in visual quality following an enlargement of the text and to choose to enlarge text and icons with a personalized value, we press on the item Advanced resizing settings present just below the previously edited item, so that we can activate the switch on the item Let Windows try to fix app problems so they don’t get blurry .

Once the changes have been applied, we restart the computer to finally have all the Windows writings and icons at the appropriate size and enjoy a screen at maximum resolution.

Note that on the desktop icons can be enlarged or made smaller by right clicking on an empty spot on the desktop, pressing on View and choosing whether to see large, small or medium icons; alternatively, just hold down the CTRL key and move the mouse wheel to dynamically change the size of the icons shown on the screen.

How to magnify text and icons on Windows 8.1 or 7

To find useful options to enlarge text and icons on Windows 8 and Windows 7 , open the Start menu or screen, open the Control Panel and go to the Appearance and Personalization section , where we can find the item Change screen resolution ; in the new screen let’s make sure to press on the item Enlarge or reduce the size of the text and other elements .

In the new screen that will open we can choose whether to use a sizing of the elements to 125% or 150% (where available).

In this way the icons on the desktop and the text shown in the system will be bigger, allowing a better readability and a better display of programs and menus.

How to change the zoom on browsers

If the zoom problem affects the contents displayed on the browser, we can act on it without changing the system settings as seen so far.

As soon as we open the browser on the page that is difficult to read, we hold down the CTRL key and turn the mouse wheel, so as to change the zoom applied to the page; alternatively we can also open the browser menu and choose the zoom level to be applied.

To return to the normal zoom level, simply set 100% to the zoom level of the menu proposed by the browser or, alternatively, press CTRL + 0 (zero) to reset the starting zoom.


Applying the right magnification to the screen is very simple and it is highly recommended if we have a monitor with 1080è resolution or higher, since the icons may be really too small to be clickable and the text so tiny to cause a noticeable eye strain. If we then want to enlarge the screen or some part of it temporarily, we can always use the magnifying glass tool , which we can look for in the Start menu of any version of Windows still supported. The Windows magnifying glass works in full screen or as a lens that enlarges what is framed by the mouse or even in an anchored way, showing the enlarged screen in a space at the top.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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