Many times we forget that the first experiences, the first minutes, the beginnings, remain in our memories in an incredible way. Therefore, I will share with you the words with which I think you can start a training or a course and make a difference.


  1. GREETING: This first greeting or words will have as an essential feature a beautiful smile and a slight nod.

“Good morning to everybody”.


  1. MAKE THEM PROTAGONISTS: And from that initial moment you can give the floor to the true protagonists of this course, they, your students. One by one, they can be presented while you take note of all that information, showing that you are attentive and interested in every idea they share with you.

«First of all, I would like to know who my teachers are going to be this course. If you like each one, you could tell me what your name is, one of your hobbies and what you expect from me throughout this course (or training) ».


  1. PRESENT YOURSELF: to create an environment of equality, closeness and respect, you can introduce yourself, tell them some of your hobbies, your illusions, talk about your experience, your motivations to develop this profession or any topic to bring you closer to them and to place you at the same level as a human being.

“My name is…………

Just as you told me, I also have hobbies or things that I like to do in my spare time. If I had to tell you about one of my hobbies I would choose …………. What I like so much about this hobby is ……… ..

And why do I dedicate myself to being a teacher (or teacher, trainer, coach, educator or whatever you prefer to call you)? Well, what I love most about this job is …… .. ”.


  1. EXPECTATIONS ABOUT THEM:Just as they will have expectations about you that are worth knowing, it is also useful that they know yours as a professional and as a person. Here are some of those that I share with my students in case you find them useful.

“And what do I expect from you? Well, the truth is that I expect a lot of things because I am sure that you can fulfill each and every one of my wishes:

– I hope you are my teachers and make me learn about a thousand things that I don’t know.

– I hope this classroom is a space where we work hard, in which we will strive to give our best. It will be a space where I will always try to reward not only the results, but also the effort and every attempt you make to improve.

– I hope we enjoy these classes very much. That hard work does not prevent us from enjoying a single day, laughing, feeling comfortable in this classroom.

– I hope you grow as human beings in everything that any of your classmates can contribute to you, and also myself.

– And I hope to finish the course by saying that you are the best group I have worked with until this moment of my life ”.


  1. RULES:It is also important from the beginning to create rules or rules of the game that allow us to work in the classroom from respect, efficiency and closeness. For this it may be useful to establish them from the beginning in a consensual way.

“I hope that we build among all the rules, rules that facilitate 100% respect for each other. Fair, realistic, consensus rules that allow us to get the most out of the time we are going to spend together. ”


  1. THE GREAT OBJECTIVE: Toshare with them a broader sense of education and training, an objective that allows them to improve their lives and with it the world in which we live.

“I do not care only that at the end of the course you have reached the required knowledge, but what matters most to me is to help you improve day by day as people: to be integrated, with values, with the ability to decide for yourselves, critics , human because that is precisely what will allow you to be happy later in your life.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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