Linen (color)

Linen or raw flax is the name of a pale greyish yellow color that evokes the specific coloration of the dry fibers of flax, once soaked in water.

Linen can also denote any of the other colors that originate from some chromatic characteristic of flax, such as flax blue, which is based on the color of its flowers, or flax white, which refers to bleached flax fibers.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Features
  • 3 Uses and objects
  • 4 References


  • From latin linum.
  • In French, the phrase cheveux de lin (“flax hair”) is applied to very light blond hair. There is also the expression lin gris (“linen gray”) to refer to a gray similar to that of flax fibers.
  • In the English language, the expressions flaxen hair, flaxen head (“flax hair, flax head”) and the like refer to hairs that resemble flax fibers.


  • Textile design in white tone, ideal for closet interiors and discreet environments but with a lot of personality
  • ideal for minimalist houses, mixed with intense and striking colors.
  • visually enlarges the space and takes away the coldness that the pure white


Uses and objects

The color linen or raw linen is generally used to describe fabric colorations. The comparison of linen with the appearance and color of human hair is rare in Spanish, but relatively frequent in other languages.

by Abdullah Sam
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