Lineage II: Revolution review

Mobile game Lineage II: Revolution is, first of all, beautiful graphics wrapped in epic hack

Very few mobile games can make me feel emotional. It doesn’t matter good or bad, as the saying goes: “Indifference is worse than hatred.” Lineage II: Revolution is one of those. Plays and the fact that this is “Laneika” – a continuation of the very MMOs that captivated a bunch of gamers at one time, and even for mobile phones.

In this review, I want to tell you a story: you can feel my attitude towards the game from the first launch to the moment of writing this text.

Where do we start?

After the launch of Lineage II: Revolution, you will be greeted by a beautiful cutscene that explains the plot of the story. Here I immediately thought that the developers were confused: they wrote some kind of story and even directed a good video. After a massive battle scene, I was thrown into the character selection menu, where I met with a smile the beautiful models of heroes in high resolution.

Lineage II: Revolution

Originally, there are three classes to choose from: warrior, mage and robber. All professions are applicable to different races: elf, dark elf, dwarf and human. You can choose both a brutal man and a sexy elf.

After choosing a character, I was allowed into the “open” world of Lineage II: Revolution, to complete the main storyline. Quite a useful piece that will teach you how to run, fight, breathe, use runes, pump weapons and all that. Also here you can get the initial level for the character.

In the first ten minutes, I realized that it was not worth expecting more from local quests than collecting wolf tails on behalf of an archaeologist. It is also sad that the developers do not even try to diversify this business somehow. Before each task, NPCs try to motivate the player to do this or that assignment, but it doesn’t work out very well. From time to time I was taught new things like: improving things, distributing skill points and so on, but this does not really dilute the gameplay.

Lineage II: Revolution

What’s inside?

Fortunately, in addition to the story campaign, you can keep yourself busy with passing the tower of trials, raiding dungeons, both alone and with clanmates, and completing daily tasks. I can’t say that they are especially funny and can dilute the boring running around in the story campaign, but you yourself understand without fish.

In the open world of Lineage II: Revolution, the player can do nothing but grind, blunt and merciless. You will have to arrange the genocide of mobs a lot and often, since the experience is not particularly pouring, and in order to normally pass the dungeons you will have to gain a level. Unfortunately, the whole world of the game, although beautiful, is absolutely empty, and I would say: “badly done from the point of view of game design.”

In big cities you will meet merchants, blacksmiths and other hucksters from whom you can buy anything. The fact is that they are completely useless: buying and improving equipment is placed in the menu.

Lineage II: Revolution

You do not need to go on long hikes in order to fill yourself with loot, and then sell it to a one-eyed elf with a fourth size – you just open the menu and sell unnecessary gear. Or, it can be used as a consumable to increase the level of existing equipment, by destroying the accumulated one.

Dungeons and boss raids also have their own section in the menu. You no longer need to gather in a large company, go through dangerous locations on the map in order to get to the right place. This fact not only kills the fun, it also discourages the desire to explore the world of Lineage II: Revolution.

Players on the map are also useless. You can chat with them, invite them to a group or clan, and that’s all, perhaps. PVP mode has been pushed into arenas where you and another character, controlled by artificial intelligence, fight for the rating on the list.

Buying equipment is another story altogether. The player will not be able to separately buy a sword for himself, but he can knock it out of the loot box for game or real currency. And the more expensive the treasured box, the cooler gear you will get. Fortunately, the developers do not put much pressure and regularly donate currency and chests for various activities, including entering the game. This makes it easier to collect gear, but it won’t be enough in the later stages of the game.

Lineage II: Revolution

Simplifies the gameplay and the present button for auto-fight, auto-equipment and auto-completion of quests. Basically, you don’t have to play the game anymore – it does it pretty well. The most tragic thing is the auto-completion of quests, which turns on immediately after taking the task. The developers seem to be trying to impose this system, deciding everything for the player.

As for the rest, you can not use this, and the function itself is intended for grinders who play MMOs for days on mobile phones and climb to the top positions of the rating. But mostly it evokes negative emotions, as these functions simplify the game by killing gameplay elements. You no longer need to select equipment for yourself, the game itself will put on the player all the best, and even beat the mobs in order to raise the level.

Feeling hack

The more I played Lineage II: Revolution, the more I realized how much hack on the part of the developers. They made a very beautiful game by mobile standards, but forgot about the main aspect – gameplay.

The game is very simple, boring and with a lot of cutting back. The open world is completely useless and serves only for grinding. Additional activities boil down to running and killing monsters, just for the sake of killing monsters, and there is no in-game management at all. Even fans of the original second “line” understand what a trash it is.



Autoboy and loot boxes from 10. The game has a very beautiful wrapper, but completely spoiled gameplay. I can only recommend it to the most ardent fans of the big MMO version and to those who have nothing else to do.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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