
Legón Species of hoe in the form of a semicircle generally used in masonry to beat and mix cement or clay

Etymology of the word Legón

This word legón that designates a hoe comes from Latin ligo ligones (hoe – hoe). Also in feminine flirt. In Catalan it is a word for the hoe, which if it is small it is called lligo or Llego and if it is large-leaved or Llegona. This Latin word is an old technical name for agriculture whose etymology is unclear. A parallelism has been established with the Greek (lisgos, spade or hoe) Greek word not attested in classical Greek except through a diminutive, but that modern Greek has preserved. It could be in both cases, in Latin and Greek, an old term of dark origin inherited from Mediterranean culture. Grammatical analysis of the word legón it has two vowels e and ó and with three consonants l, g, n it is used as a masculine noun it has two syllables and is divided into two le-gón it has its graphic accent in gón, it is a sharp word its antonym is nógel

What is the legón and what are its characteristics

It is a kind of semi-circle hoe generally used in masonry to beat and mix cement or clay. With small variations in shapes and sizes, it is also used in mining and construction, receiving different names.

  1. Escardillo
  2. Spokeshave
  3. Almocafre


by Abdullah Sam
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