What Is The LED Abbreviation Stands For

LED is the acronym for  Light Emitting Diode. It consists of a technology of conducting light, from electricity. The LED has the function of emitting light in places and instruments such as lamps, lanterns and etc.The LED is a conductor of electrical energy, which when energized, emits light visible to the naked eye. The lighting system with incandescent lamps, however, uses a model of metallic filaments and discharge of gases for the production of light.

The LED is widely used in electronic products, such as a warning sign, but also in larger size instruments, such as traffic lights, in addition to billboards and LED curtains for billboards, for example.LED technology and lighting is present at many occasions in everyday life. Currently, this system is very common and more economical than old lighting models, such as halogen lamps, for example.You may also be interested in the meaning of Li-Fi .


Nowadays, it is also common to apply LED technology to televisions.The LED TV has a better liquid crystal light filtering, compared to the others, meaning the colors that appear in the image are more pure.Another advantage is the quality of the light emitted, because it stays the same throughout the time of use, without losing the brightness or change of color in no time.

by Abdullah Sam
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