
Lebrillo . Vase in glazed clay, silver or other metal, wider at the edge than at the bottom similar to a deep plate or a circular fountain, but larger.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 History
  • 3 Features
  • 4 Sources


Of uncertain origin: there are those who defend that it derives the Latin labrellum -vase-, however Juan Corominas Vigneaux , ( 1905 – 1997 ) Spanish philologist author of the Critical Dictionary of Spanish and Hispanic Etymology, indicates that it is an Arabism.


The use of the basin was already habitual in the Jewish and Egyptian cultures.

“Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood (of the lamb) that will be in a basin, and anoint the lintel and the two posts with the blood that will be in the basin. May none of you leave the doors of your house until morning ”

Section 12-22 of the book of Exodus

During Roman times it was known as labello (diminutive of labrum or bathtub).

There are testimonies that the Aztecs also used it:

“… first they put a quantity of it (pulcre) in a basin, and put a basin near the fire: from there they took a glass …”

Carlos María de Bustamante (1829)

During the 16th century it was one of the most decorated artisan ceramic pieces. In Spanish homes it has been a traditional container until the middle of the 20th century . It is still common in Mexico and some southern Spanish regions such as Andalusia and Murcia .

“… ..the patio was always dirty; a lot of

useless junk, covered with zinc sheets; gnawed pigs and boards, debris, bricks, tiles and baskets were visible; a jumble of a thousand devils. Every evening some of the neighbors washed in the patio, and when they finished their work they emptied the baskets on the ground, and the big puddles, when dried, left white spots and blue streams of indigo water. The neighbors used to throw garbage everywhere, and when it rained, as the mouth of the drain was almost always closed, there was an unbearable pestilence of the corruption of the black water that flooded the patio, and on which cabbage leaves and papers

sticky … ”

Pío Baroja (1872-1950), (Spanish writer of the generation of 98- in his novel, “La Busca”)


In the pottery trousseau, it is classified as a large vase with a collected base and a wide mouth, with a relationship between diameters greater than double, traditionally made of clay and with glazed edges and interior. Of different sizes, between twenty-five (lebrillo de a peseta from Úbeda) and ninety centimeters (lebrillo de lavara from Lora del Río), it is historically used for foot washing or washing clothes, as well as Manchego corciol for rinsing (these pieces, due to their size, they reach the category of basin). The lebrillo also has a culinary use, acting as a platter, fruit bowl or even a tray. In many cases it is decorated with drawings and various motifs, which give it added decorative value


by Abdullah Sam
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