Learn more about how to treat dengue

Body aches, high fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness and dizziness. Days after the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the individual starts to have these and other symptoms. To relieve them, it is essential to follow dengue treatment to the letter.

The cases of the disease tend to increase in rainy periods. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate the agent that causes dengue. The most effective way to do this is to prevent the mosquito from reproducing from the accumulation of standing water.

In this post, better understand what is dengue, its causes, symptoms and how to treat it!

Definition of dengue and its causes

Dengue is an infectious and viral disease caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti. This mosquito grows in standing water found in open water tanks, tires and plant pots, for example. The warm and humid environment is ideal for breeding.

There are four types of viruses, serotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each offers definitive immunity after the person is infected. However, it is important to note that dengue is a potentially serious disease and having it for the second time increases the seriousness of the symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease

Dengue symptoms vary depending on the type of disease, which can be classic or hemorrhagic. Find out what they are!

Classical dengue

With a duration of three to seven days, the symptoms of classic dengue tend to appear suddenly. The individual infected with Aedes aegypti has a high fever (between 39 ° and 40 °), pain in the head and behind the eyes, in addition to red spots on the skin.

Nausea and vomiting, joint and bone pain , intense tiredness, weakness, dizziness and loss of appetite and taste are also observed . Such signs appear approximately three to fifteen days after the mosquito bites.

Hemorrhagic dengue

The symptoms of hemorrhagic dengue are identical to those of classic. However, the aggravating factor is that bleeding occurs due to bleeding from vessels in the skin and even in internal organs, such as the intestine. This happens between the third and fourth day of the disease, when the fever dissipates or subsides.

People with hemorrhagic dengue experience difficulty breathing, excessive thirst and severe and persistent abdominal pain. There is also vomiting, mental confusion and a drop in blood pressure. The skin is cold, moist and pale, and red spots appear on the body.

Signs of circulatory failure are observed when the condition worsens, which causes hemorrhagic shock. A patient at this stage loses about a liter of blood. The heart stops pumping the necessary fluid throughout the body, so complications arise that can lead to death.

Dengue treatment

In general, ten days after its onset, dengue has a spontaneous cure. Although there is no specific treatment for the disease, it is essential to seek medical help for monitoring and relieving symptoms through medication, depending on each case.

The treatment of dengue involves rest and drinking plenty of fluids, especially water. Hydration is done orally or intravenously. In some situations, medications are prescribed to relieve pain and fevers.

Hemorrhagic dengue should be treated in a hospital. Likewise, patients with heart failure, hypertension,  diabetes or an uncontrolled asthma attack need to stay in the hospital for as long as they are infected.

The signs of improvement are noticeable and quicker when dengue treatment is followed to the letter. Therefore, it is essential to see the doctor in case of any suspicion of the disease. Only he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and offer the best solution to the problem.

by Abdullah Sam
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