Learn more about hair finishers

A lot of people must have heard of them. The famous finishers are extremely used to give that finishing touch after a good brush. But, do you know exactly how they act? Do you know the ideal finisher for your hair? What types are there? Calm down, I’ll help you, but let’s go by parts:

What exactly are they?

Finishes are products used to produce some kind of benefit on your hair or treat some aspect of the hair. Although they are called “finishers”, some are used before you “finish” your actual hairstyle. Finishes are the essential touch that every hair needs.

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What types?

Well, as stated above, a finisher is any product that does something for your hair. Therefore, we can consider as finalizers:

  • Combing cream
    • Thermoactive creams
    • Mousses
    • Fixative sprays
    • Ointment
    • Wax
    • Curl activator
    • Leave-in
    • Serum and silicone

All of these, with different functions, are considered finalizers. So let’s move on to the next item.

Which product should I use?

First, do a test to see how your hair looks after a routine wash. Use your usual shampoo and conditioner and let the hair dry naturally. Once dry, you will probably notice some “little problems” in the locks.

And it can be an opaque wires , ends double- , dry wires , frizz indefinite clusters . As most of us do not have a hairdresser 24 hours by our side, it is difficult to keep the hair always clean. But the finishers are here to help, right?

So, I preferred to list the function of each of them, so it is easier to define which one you should buy:

Combing / Leave-in cream : as the name suggests, these creams serve to facilitate brush strokes through the hair. They are without rinsing and are considered moisturizers. These creams are suitable for all hair, but there are those who think it makes the hair look too heavy. Apply a small amount over the entire length and let it dry naturally.

Thermoactive creams : these creams should be used every time you use the hairdryer, flat iron or baby-liss. They will protect your hair from the heat of the dryer, preventing the strands from drying out. Use in small quantities and with the wires still damp.

Mousses : if your hair is not plentiful and you want to give it a full look, mousse is the secret. Apply the equivalent of a tennis ball, and go through all the hair. Help spread the product with a comb and dry as usual.

Curl activator : for those with curly hair, this product is mandatory. Only he manages to leave his curls well defined. Preferably dry your hair with a diffuser.

Ointment and wax : they are almost the same, but the difference is in the fixing power. Both are indicated for styling hair, leaving hair firmer without the “wet” aspect of the gel. Apply a small amount to dry hair, just enough for the ends.

Fixative spray : this lives up to the name “finisher”. These sprays should be used at the end of hairstyles, as they make the hair stay that way for longer. It can be used on all hair, and applied at a distance of 30 cm from the strands.

Serum and silicone : are oils that, when passed in a small amount, help to reduce frizz and give shine. They are applied after a brush, for example. But wait for your hair to dry before applying it, and never rub it at the root of the strands! Apply a drop, spread it over your hands and run your fingers through your hair. They are also known as cutting edge repairers, as they seal the threads and avoid split ends.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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