Why We Should Study Language Myth?

Discover the importance of studying language myths and how it can enhance our understanding of language, culture, and human communication.

It is necessary  to understand the Language Myth about language learning. Here are some of these:

Why We Should Study Language Myth?

Languages are logical: Many people think that languages are logical. But it is incorrect. They are illogical. The symbols of a language are arbitrary. English language is all the more arbitrary because of its illogical spelling and pronunciation. The sound ‘f is presented by different spelling combinations in these words: lieutenant, enough, far, philosophy.

Languages are unlearn able:

 Another misconception is that some languages are unlearned able. All of us have the same speech organs. If we have the will and time, we can learn any language of the world. Since all human beings have been bestowed with the same vocal organs, they can learn any language produced by the same vocal organs.

 Some languages are better than others:

 Another misconception about language is that some languages are less important than others. In fact, every language represents its culture in the best possible manner. English is an excellent language for expressing English culture. But it would be a poor language for the expressing our cultures. The best language for the latter is a regional language, viz; Urdu, or Punjabi. Every language is a perfect means of expression of the culture of people who speak it. Languages are not really comparable.

Exact equivalents within a language: Many people think that there are exact equivalents between two languages. It is also a misconception. Since every language is based on the history, tradition and culture of its people, the words of it cannot be translated exactly into the language. Exact equivalents cannot be found in any two languages of the world.

The layman also thinks that there are exact equivalents within language. He is wrong in thinking so. No two words of a language have the same meaning. We may have words similar in meaning but there must be a delicate shade of difference in their meaning e.g., “truth” and “validity”, “ill” and “sick”. Some people think that writing is language. It is not so. Speech is the primary form of language. Writing is its graphical representation only.


The language used in the myth is supralogical. In other words it goes above logic.In the myth, a symbolic language is used, this is used when you want to express something difficult to express with a univocal language, that is, with a single meaning and objective. This language manages to unite reality with diversity in a harmonious and meaningful way.

Studying language myths can also help us enhance our appreciation and understanding of different languages. By immersing ourselves in the mythical stories and narratives related to language, we can develop a deeper connection to the linguistic diversity present in the world. This, in turn, can inspire us to learn new languages, explore different linguistic traditions, and engage with diverse cultural perspectives.

In conclusion, the study of language myth is essential for gaining a holistic understanding of language, culture, and human communication. By exploring the cultural significance, tracing linguistic evolution, exploring language origins, preserving language heritage, and enhancing language appreciation, we can unravel the mysteries and complexities of language myth. So, why should we study language myth? The answer is simple: language myth provides us with a gateway to unlocking the profound connections between language, culture, and human experience.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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