Lactose intolerance: find out how the test is done

Anyone who suffers or has suffered from lactose intolerance knows how uncomfortable this problem can be. To find out if the person suffers from this condition, an examination is necessary.

However, it is common for people to not know you and have doubts about how this test is done. Thinking about it, we created this post to explain how it works and for whom it is indicated. Check out!

What is lactose intolerance?

This dysfunction is caused by an inability of the body to digest the sugar present in milk, known as lactose. Because of this, symptoms and discomfort occur, such as cramps, diarrhea and gas, which appear shortly after eating the food.

Lactose intolerance is usually diagnosed in childhood, but adults can also develop the problem – with more or less intense symptoms.

How is the diagnosis made?

The diagnosis of lactose intolerance can be made by analyzing the symptoms or after carrying out tests, such as  respiratory, blood, feces or intestinal biopsy.  They must be requested by the gastroenterologist .

The following are some of the most common symptoms:

  • abdominal pain, swollen belly or excessive gas after consuming lactose foods, such as milk and yogurt;
  • lack of energy and excessive tiredness;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • frequent headache after a meal;
  • alternating periods of constipation and diarrhea.

How does the exam work?

One of the most common tests to find out if a person has lactose intolerance is blood. In it, several samples of the patient are collected: one fasting and the other, every thirty minutes after consuming liquid lactose.

By analyzing blood collections during the examination period, it is possible to determine whether the patient is lactose intolerant. When lactase enzymes work correctly, there is a difference in the glycemic rate of at least 20mg / dL. If these changes are of lesser value, the suspicion of intolerance is confirmed.

How should the patient prepare?

As explained above, the exam must be performed on an empty stomach. For this, the patient should look for the clinic where the test will be done and find out about the fasting period and what can be ingested, such as water.

Once the result is in hand, it should be sent to the doctor to analyze the patient’s situation.

What are the side effects?

This test should not be performed by people who are highly allergic to milk protein and diabetes . Apart from these patients, it can be performed by everyone without risks or contraindications.

To perform the test, administration of liquid lactase is necessary. This can cause side effects, such as:

  • stuffing;
  • diarrhea or constipation ;
  • vomiting;
  • reflux ;
  • Headache;
  • feeling of poor digestion;
  • flatulence;
  • abdominal bloating.

As we have seen, the lactose intolerance test is indicated for people who feel discomfort when consuming foods containing the substance and for those who already have cases in the family. To do this, look for a gastroenterologist, who can analyze the symptoms and order the test.


by Abdullah Sam
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