What if I am lacking vitamin D in pregnancy?

During pregnancy , vitamin D deficiency can be an added risk factor in complications such as preeclampsia , restricted intrauterine growth and gestational diabetes , or in the progress of different pathologies associated with fetal and neonatal development. “For this reason, it is essential that female health specialists in Spain know that 60% of Spanish pregnant women have a vitamin D deficiency ,” explained Dr. Manuel Marcos, managing director of EGOM and head of the Breast Cancer Unit. , within the framework of the VII Scientific Meeting of Private Gynecology (GINEP).

But specialists must also know “the importance and functions of vitamin D as well as the possible risks of its deficit and the most appropriate way to treat it,” explains Dr. Marcos.

What is vitamin D for?

At present it is known that vitamin D intervenes in various physiological processes of the organism, both metabolic, endocrine and immunological, and even observational studies suggest a possible relationship of vitamin D deficiency with the development of some tumors .

According to Dr. Marcos, proper control of vitamin D “can help prevent diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia , and eliminate added risk factors in metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, in immune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis , and in the development of some malignant neoplasms such as breast , colon or pancreatic cancer ».

Vitamin D deficiency at all stages of life

In women, vitamin D deficiency goes beyond the pregnancy stage and can affect any stage of her life.

In menopause , observational studies indicate a possible relationship of vitamin D deficiency with obesity , cardiovascular disease , diabetes and breast cancer, but, above all, with the development of osteoporosis . It is important to remember that currently it is estimated that more than two million Spanish women have some degree of osteoporosis, characterized by a gradual loss of bone mass, and which leads to an important cause of fractures that condition the quality and life expectancy of those who suffer from it. .

In Spain, the plasma determination of 25-OH-D levels is not included in routine analyzes , so it is usually restricted to patients in risky situations or with some related pathology. For this reason, Dr. Manuel Marcos insists that «it is important to try to convince the health authorities that the treatment of vitamin D deficiency should be included in health programs, especially considering the versatility of the authorized therapeutic options, their excellent tolerance and low cost »


by Abdullah Sam
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