Do you know how to recognize your skin type?

At first glance it seems like an easy question, one of those things that you seem to know, of which they also have a simple answer. But surely you have asked yourself that question more than once by looking closely at the mirror, hoping to find an answer, as if it were the magic mirror of Snow White. And it is that the answer is not so clear, determining it is not always easy, since each skin is a world and, in addition, it changes over time .

However, the skin can be classified into four types , each with its own characteristics and treatments, as explained by Macarena Viro, from the Bombos de Córdoba Pharmacy and specialist in dermopharmacy and the dermatologist Miguel Sánchez Viera, director of the Dermatology Institute. Integral of Madrid.

Normal skin

This type of skin has a regular texture and has no blemishes . Plus, it looks smooth and clean without doing anything. “It is characterized because it has no shine and the pore is small. People who have this type of skin have a pink and uniform tone, “explains Viro.

Normal skin is probably the easiest to treat, as it does not need special care. Although, it should not be neglected much, because although it does not need as much care as others, it is also necessary to pay attention to them, since over time they tend to become dry skin.

Sánchez Viera points out that the skin requires toning and cleansing , as well as giving yourself a moisturizer day and night, to protect and hydrate the epidermis. “You have to use a lotion cream that is rich, but easy to absorb, that softens the touch of the skin, hydrates deeply and calms extremely dry skin,” he says.

Although normal skin does not present any particular problem, it is essential to have specific care to avoid damage due to external factors such as sun exposure or natural aging.

Mixed skin

As the same word says, this skin type is between normal skin and oily skin . The most fatty area usually corresponds to the T area (forehead, nose and chin), while on the cheeks the skin is between normal or dry.

Both experts agree that this type of skin is the most difficult to care for due to its mix of characteristics . It is necessary to achieve a correct hydration and at the same time that it does not generate sebum and that it treats the areas separately, so as not to mix them. It is advisable to perform an exfoliation and nourishing mask once a week.

Oily skin

People who have oily skin have a shiny appearance on the entire face, due to the high production of sebum . The biggest problem with this skin type is pimples and blackheads. The dermopharmacy specialist points out that “they are characterized by having a very large pore and a sallow appearance.”

Excess sebum requires a routine and specific products . Oily skin should be exfoliated often to avoid dirt. There are various causes and factors that can cause excess fat on the face: hormonal imbalance, genetic inheritance, age, climate, diet and lifestyle, among others, explains Sánchez. “The ideal way to end this type of problem is to unmask the cause through an in-depth diagnosis and to follow a specific treatment, as well as avoiding fried foods and saturated fats,” he points out.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is characterized by a lack of moisture in it, which gives a feeling of tightness and rigidity . It is peelable and has a dull, white appearance and a rough feel. Sometimes it usually has spots and sometimes it seems older than it really is, in addition to being greatly affected by climate changes.

To treat this type of skin, both experts recommend good hydration with moisturizers . These cosmetics contain essential fatty acids and antioxidant substances that help restore dry skin’s natural moisture to increase its flexibility. Its continued application diminishes the rough appearance and creates a protective barrier.

Our skin also changes

The skin is defined at birth, in fact the skin type is usually the same throughout life. However, there are some aspects that will influence and transform it.

The director of Comprehensive Dermatology explains: “when we are born, our skin is very thin and permeable to many substances or sunlight. Furthermore, the dermis defenses have not been fully developed. ” Adolescence is marked by hormonal changes, during which many adolescents have acne, which can be alleviated with good hygiene and consultation with a specialist if necessary.

In adulthood the skin continues to change, generating certain confusions about what its state is. In fact, people who have oily skin when young, dry with age, although acne often continues many times at any age with occasional outbreaks. On the other hand, dry skin during adolescence tends to be extremely dry and to peel and wrinkle more easily. Therefore, it is good to go changing cosmetic products according to Viro.

In addition there are various factors that influence possible skin changes . Sánchez speaks of two types of factors: an endogenous one , the main cause of which is the genetics that cause the reduction of secretions from the sebaceous and sweat glands, the degeneration of elastic fibers or the appearance of atopic dermatitis; and another exogenous , such as ultraviolet rays, food, pollution, stress or lack of sleep.


by Abdullah Sam
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