Knight perspective

Gentleman’s perspective. Form of representation. It is based on the structuring of the space by means of three coordinate axes perpendicular to each other. It serves to give a clearer idea of ​​the drawings through orthogonal projections and sectional cuts.

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The gentleman’s perspective is the oblique and cylindrical projection (made with parallels) of a figure.


This perspective also belongs to the axonometric system of representation, and is used to trace objects using oblique cylindrical projections on a plane . To represent objects, a coordinate axis system consisting of three axes is used, two of which form an angle.90º, while the third forms a free angle with respect to the other two, although the normal thing is to place it at 135º from any of them. In its basic fundamentals of realization, the chivalrous perspective bears a strong resemblance to the isometric perspective. In any case, and as a previous step, it is very important to place the objects for their representation with their flat faces parallel to the coordinate planes. To draw any figure we will proceed by drawing lines parallel to the corresponding axes. In the gentleman’s perspective, flat shapes that are parallel to the frontal plane maintain their original shape, while those drawn on the horizontal and profile planes are deformed and reduced in the Y axis.


by Abdullah Sam
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