Intimate (vaginal) itching

A tingling and irritation sensation that causes you to scratch constantly and that is not relieved, if not for a few moments, after washing with fresh water. The intimate itching, vaginal or vulvar can be very annoying and difficult to make your days and your daily life.

In this post we will talk about:

  • Intimate itching is not serious but you need to be careful
  • Intimate itching in menopause
  • Vaginal itching and vulvar itching
  • Because frequent washing can worsen intimate itching
  • Guide to intimate itching

A tingling and irritation sensation that causes you to scratch constantly and that is not relieved, if not for a few moments, after washing with fresh water. The intimate itching, vaginal or vulvar can be very annoying and difficult to make your days and your daily life.

In summary:

Intimate itching in menopause  is a rather common disorder, also widespread in women of childbearing age. It can occur at the vulvar or vaginal level and have  various causes. Generally the discomfort is continuous, and itching can be felt both during the day and during the night . It is very important to refer this to the gynecologist to find the appropriate treatment.

Let’s say right away that it is a very frequent disorder that many women face with do-it-yourself methods and do not mention it to anyone, if not with a few friends. Many frequent infections, such as candida , have severe and persistent itching among the symptoms and it is one of those experiences that a woman, during her life, can have many times. Also for this reason the attention given to intimate itching can be distracted by the habit: “It’s nothing serious”.

Recurring infections that can trigger intimate itching:

  • Cervicovaginitis
  • Candida vaginalis
  • Cystitis
  • Bacterial vaginitis
  • Trichomoniasis

Intimate itching is not serious but you need to be careful

No, it’s nothing serious, but if you feel intimate, vulvar or vaginal itching you must report it to your gynecologist because, in addition to being a probable symptom of an infection that should never be treated independently, it could be a menopause-related disorder so to vaginal dryness .

Intimate itching in menopause


It’s easy! Request a video conference interview from your home with an experienced menopausal gynecologist near Kamalia.


The itching underwear should always be observed and reported to the gynecologist, especially at menopause when it may be a disorder of the spy ‘ Atrophy Vaginal vulva , very common occurrence, which covers half of the women after the end of fertile life.

In case of Vulvo Vaginal Atrophy it is likely that, together with vulvar or vaginal itching, other disorders such as:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain in intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Blood loss

Vaginal Atrophy  is a disease that progresses over time and worsens if neglected. It causes a  thinning of the vulvar tissues  which become more fragile and less elastic. It is these factors that cause the main annoyances.

If you want to know more here you will find a guide to the disorder .

Vaginal itching and vulvar itching

Generally we talk about external (vulvar) or internal (vaginal) intimate itching to identify both the areas that are affected by the disorder and the type of disorder that is felt. The location of this discomfort could be significant in identifying the causes.

  • When it is internal,  i.e. the sensation is concentrated  in the vaginal part , more often it is an infection –  which can become  more frequent in menopause –  or the consequences of  Vulvo Vaginal Atrophy ,  a chronic condition very frequent after the age of 50 (we speak of 50% of women after this age) which leads to a progressive wasting of vaginal and vulvar tissues and a series of consequences related to this process:  vaginal dryness , microlesions,  small losses , itching, burning,  pain during and after intercourse
  • When external , intimate itching is usually associated with genital redness and can also give rise to a sensation or actual swelling of the external genitalia. In this case, in addition to the need to scratch, there is often the need to cool off with cold water: a short-term palliative, however, because after a few moments of relief the itching returns .

Once the genital areas have become hypersensitive to contact, in fact, any touch can worsen the situation. This state of affairs can constitute an impediment to the performance of normal daily activities but also to a peaceful night’s rest.

Because frequent washing can worsen intimate itching

We have already mentioned how a wash with fresh water can give the feeling of relieving intimate itching , but it is certainly not an effective remedy, indeed it could make the situation worse. In menopause, the vulvar and vaginal walls become naturally drier and this dryness could already be one of the causes of itching in itself . Washing often, perhaps using an intimate soap, could make the intimate area even more dry and sensitive and worsen , rather than improve, the vaginal or vulvar itching .

For this reason, talk to your gynecologist or seek a menopause specialist in your area .



by Abdullah Sam
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