Instagram temporary block: why and how to unblock it

Have you Instagram blocked? If the app does not allow you to perform some actions, find out what the temporary Instagram blocks depend on and how to solve the problem.

If you are reading this article, you have most likely received a warning saying: “Action blocked Instagram” while browsing the app of the famous social network and you are curious to know why you see it.
This warning is sent automatically by the system when a user exceeds the limits allowed by Instagram by putting, for example, likes , follows and comments too quickly , or by performing these actions in a very short time frame.

First of all, it is good to be reassured as it is not “anything serious”. In fact, the temporary Instagram block is a precautionary action implemented by the platform itself to defend itself from the use of bots (i.e. tools that perform repeated actions in an automated manner). If you are sure you are not using Instagram bots on your profile you should know that you may receive the alert of action blocked on Instagram even if you perform these actions yourself in a very short time.

Read this article to learn more about the causes of temporary blocks, how long the Instagram block lasts and above all how to reactivate the Instagram account to resume using it normally.

  1. Instagram account blocked: causes
    1. Instagram limits not to be exceeded to avoid blocks
    2. How long does a temporary Instagram block last?
  2. How to fix Instagram account blocking

Instagram account blocked: causes

The causes of a temporary Instagram block can be many and usually depend on the violation of the limits and conditions  imposed by the platform.
The block is usually progressive, from the suspension of some functions such as putting “like” , posting a comment or following other people up to the total suspension of the account.

Why is the Instagram account blocked?  The answer is not so obvious because there is no real reason, even if very often the profiles that use some apps ( bots ) to increase followers and leave likes on the photos of other profiles are affected .

In fact, there are limits on the maximum number of likes, comments and followings that can be performed simultaneously or in a short time. If these limits are exceeded you may come across a special notification from Instagram, or a message that reads: “It seems that you are using this function incorrectly going too fast. You have been temporarily prevented from using it. We limit some content and actions to protect our community. Send us a report if you think this is an error. “
This note is followed by the option to ignore the notification or directly send a message to Instagram support explaining the problem.

The app’s security system is activated to protect the social network from those bots created exclusively to easily and dramatically increase likes and followers , a matter that is very close to Instagram’s heart. However, it must be emphasized, as mentioned, that sometimes it is possible to suffer a temporary block simply by using the app for too long and therefore too long (for example, by putting a large number of likes in a few hours and therefore exceeding the standard number imposed by the lines guide).

Instagram limits not to be exceeded to avoid blocks

The “official” limits of Instagram not to be exceeded are not known, however it is estimated that exceeding the following numbers can lead to a block of actions:

  • 60 likes every hour
  • 60 comments every hour
  • 60 followers every hour
  • 60 unfollows every hour

However, it has often been found that  these thresholds are easily surpassed . Especially when it comes to likes and follows .
Furthermore, having no “official” references, these limits may vary based on the historicity of our user profile. In fact, the platform could autonomously understand if we are doing anomalous actions compared to our usual or if we are always using the app in the same way. So we can say that the limits may also vary based on the following factors:

  • Account seniority
  • Actions performed habitually
  • Speed ​​of actions performed

So be careful because if it is a newly created profile, the risk of running into  temporary blocks or suspension of the account  is very high.

How long does a temporary Instagram block last?

A temporary block on Instagram has a maximum duration of 24 hours, but it is possible that an account will suffer greater inhibition if it is blocked several times by the app. In this situation there is also a 48 or 72 hour suspension.
The general advice to avoid being blocked is to not allow access to your account to bots, which often act by also posting spam in comments, which are among the main causes of a temporary block on Instagram.

How to fix Instagram account blocking

In the case of temporary suspension of the account, simply wait for the time  to reactivate. In more serious cases, such as a total account blocking, it is necessary, instead, to contact Instagram assistance to start the Instagram account reactivation procedure.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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