Instagram adds the sticker “Let’s get vaccinated”

We know that Instagram since it launched Instagram Stories has been adding content to add to our stories, the current vaccination campaign in Spain against Covid-19 has caused Instagram to add a sticker that says “Let’s get vaccinated” , so we will explain how you can add said sticker on Instagram.

In some countries, Instagram will be able to provide information for those who are interested in getting vaccinated and thus being able to promote vaccination against the virus, this function will be available in a few weeks and this has been published by Facebook.

In Instagram stories we can add all kinds of content, GIFs, stickers, music, images, among others. Next we will explain how you can add the “Get vaccinated” sticker in any of your stories and encourage people to join this campaign.

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“Vacunémonos” the new vindictive sticker of Instagram

There are five variants of the sticker that we can add in our Stories. We know that since the pandemic caused by Covid-19 began, Instagram began to add protest and encouragement stickers for businesses and the media, today the sticker is added to get vaccinated.

To add the new sticker Let’s get vaccinated on Instagram, we just have to follow these simple steps:

  • Open your Instagram app.
  • Click on the “+” icon to create new content.
  • Select “Story” to create a Story.
  • Now when you have taken the photo that you want to upload or create content, you must slide up to open the stickers and content panel.
  • We will see the new sticker in the “Featured” area , although we will see two, both are different because they have up to 5 variants between them.
  • We click on any of them to add it and if we click on it we will be able to see the variants it has.

With these simple steps we will have added the new “Get vaccinated” sticker to our Instagram stories and thus we can promote this new campaign and be able to raise awareness as many people as possible.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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