Indole Butyric Acid

Indole Butyric Acid (AIB) ( 4- indole-3-butyric acid ) is a natural compound, it is considered a broad spectrum regulator of plant growth of the auxin family. It is used to stimulate the development of roots of all kinds of vegetables, as well as ornamental plants, it is also widely used to increase the size of the fruits, with a special emphasis on all kinds of melons, watermelons, papayas and mangoes.

General data

IUPAC name : 1H-Indole-3-butanoic acid
Other names : Indole-3-butyric acid; 3-Indolebutyric acid; Indolebutyric acid; AIB
Structural formula
Molecular formula: : 12 H 13 NO 2
Physical properties crystalline solid under standard pressure and temperature conditions (25 ° C and 1 atm) from white to light yellow
Molar mass: 203.24 g / mol -1
Melting point: 125 ºC


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  • Preparation and conservation
  • Use in plant tissue culture and propagation by cuttings
  • Mechanism of action
  • 4 Source

Preparation and conservation

Indole-butyric acid was initially known as a synthetic product only. Later, their isolation was reported from leaves and seeds of corn and other species. In corn, indole-butyric acid is synthesized in vivo, with indole-acetic acid being one of its precursors. This chemical can also be extracted from different species of the genus ” Salix ” (willows).

Use in plant tissue culture and propagation by cuttings

In vitro plant tissue culture, indole-butyric acid and other auxins are used to initiate root formation in a procedure called micropropagation . Plant micropropagation is an asexual multiplication or propagation technique that is based on the organogenetic potential of plant cells, which consists of cultivating in vitro on appropriate substrates, isolated cells, apical meristems, axillary buds, vegetative apices at the beginning of their development or microstakes. The small samples of plants used are called explants . Auxins such as indole-butyric acid can be used to cause the formation of undifferentiated cell masses called calluses.. Callus formation is often used as a first step in the micropropagation process since callus cells can be induced to form other tissues such as roots by exposure to certain hormones that are auxin-like. Studies with this hormone have been carried out on different crops. In a study on ” Camellia sinensis ” , the effect of three different auxins, indole-butyric acid, indole-acetic acid and 1-naphthalenacetic acid was measuredin the formation of roots. According to the authors, indole-butyric acid produced a higher root yield compared to the other auxins. This effect of indole-butyric acid is consistent with that found in other studies; This hormone is considered the most commonly used auxin for root formation, because it is much more potent than indole-acetic acid and other synthetic auxins.

Mechanism of action

The exact mode of action of indole-butyric acid is poorly understood. Certain genetic evidence suggests that this plant hormone could be converted to indole-acetic acid through a process similar to beta-oxidation of fatty acids . If so, the conversion of indole-butyric acid to indole-acetic acid would mean that the former could function as a storage sink for the latter in plants. Other work suggests that indole-butyric acid does not convert to indole-acetic acid, but acts on its own as an auxin .
Studies on the transport of auxins inside plants showed that indole-acetic acid is translocated more quickly than indole-butyric acid. The observed transport rates were 7.5 mm / h for indole-acetic acid, and only 3.2 mm / h for indole-butyric acid. Like indole-acetic acid, indole-butyric acid is transported predominantly in the basipetal direction (toward the base, i.e., a polar transport). After application of the 3H-AIB labeled compound to the stakes of various species, most of the marked product remains at the base of the stakes. Cultivars that are easier for rooting absorb more auxins and transport more of them to the leaves.


by Abdullah Sam
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