What indicates that my pancreas is not well?

The pancreas is a gland that is part of the digestive and endocrine system. The pancreas produces pancreatic juice that acts on the digestive process because it has digestive enzymes. This gland is also responsible for the production of hormones, such as insulin, somatostatin and glucagon. Located in the abdomen, the pancreas is 14 to 25 centimeters long. It is located attached to the duodenum.

The alteration in this organ causes very serious effects, these same enzymes sometimes attack the organ itself and can harm it.


What indicates that my pancreas is not well?



Usually the pain appears in the upper abdomen and behind the stomach, on the left side, under the rib, and the sensation is burning. The pain may be more severe after the patient has eaten some food , and it is usually more severe if a high fat content is ingested. The pain is usually intensified when the patient lies on his back as it compresses the organ.



Enzymes that attack the pancreas cause inflammation and therefore episodes of fever are common. Doctors recommend that if there is an increase in temperature the ideal is to seek medical help , because the fever indicates that something is not going well in the body and only a doctor can identify the problem.



Pancreatic problems can cause nausea and vomiting. When the digestive system is altered, food is not well digested. The pancreas is inflamed and therefore it is common to feel sick and sick.


Sudden weight loss

Patients with diseases in the pancreas suddenly lose a few pounds, this is because if the pancreas has a problem, it stops absorbing the nutrients from food and this will cause the patient to lose measurements even if he ate the same as he previously ate.


Tiredness and headaches

When there is a problem with the pancreas, it can be normal to feel tired, irritated, have difficulty concentrating and have sudden headaches. This is all because the immune system is under attack and the effects appear immediately.


Fast heartbeat

Tachycardias are common when the body is weakened and the immune system is low, forcing the heart to work faster. This causes great fatigue and an increase in heart rate. Advanced problems in the pancreas sometimes cause tachycardias.


by Abdullah Sam
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