Increased appetite

In the presence of an increase in appetite,   the normal quantity of food does not seem to satisfy the hunger which therefore persists, unless you eat more abundantly. In growing children and adolescents, in people who carry out intense activities in terms of energy expenditure, the increase in appetite is absolutely physiological .

Sometimes, however, even stress , anxiety , depression , food intolerance or premenstrual syndrome can cause an increase in appetite .

What are the remedies for increasing appetite?

To combat the increase in appetite it is useful:

  • drink a glass of water before meals
  • eat raw vegetables or cooked legumes which, thanks to their consistency, satiate
  • eat broths and soups
  • intersperse main meals with small portions of fruit and vegetables.

Increased appetite, when to go to your doctor?

It is good to point out to your doctor an increase in appetite when the disorder persists over time.

by Abdullah Sam
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