Trees play an essential and very important role, one of which is environmental, as they are effective organisms for the balance of the ecosystem. But there are other reasons, for example, that help filter and clean atmospheric air in cities.And the trees got a special day because of their importance for life, the 21st of September. And when tree day is celebrated, it is also a way to raise awareness of the importance of tree preservation.
Although many people are aware of its importance, the deforestation of forests is still great. Awareness campaigns are needed to preserve them.Have you ever imagined a city without trees? When planted on the sidewalks they provide shade and decrease the temperature of the environment, bringing more freshness and vitality to public spaces. Even though it is essential for our existence on the planet, many still do not know the true value of trees.
Without knowing, or remembering that they supply most of the oxygen we need to survive, many trees are still cut down so as not to ‘hinder’ the flow of people on the sidewalks or even because their leaves fall off.When planting a tree on the sidewalk, for example, some care is needed. On sidewalks with electrical wiring, these need to be small in order not to harm on windy days and heavy rains. Observe on the streets of your city large trees cut in a “V” shape around the strands of light.
There are several types of trees: perennial (which preserve the leaves), deciduous (which lose their leaves), semi-deciduous, small, medium or large, with colorful and fragrant, native, exotic or even fruitful flowers.It is necessary to define the correct tree for planting on sidewalks, preferably perennials, so that its leaves do not infiltrate manholes or wolf-mouths, impairing the flow of rainwater. Trees that lose their leaves and are large should be planted, preferably, in squares and parks. Medium-sized ones like Lenten trees can be planted on avenues in the central flowerbeds.
One can think of afforestation by providing a zoning of priorities, aimed at promoting sustainable urban development, especially in terms of thermal comfort.What is important to emphasize is the creation of green areas in cities such as squares and parks integrating different types of land uses, forming true rings and green belts.
As for the environmental, energetic (energy consumption) and landscape functions, urban afforestation plays an important role both in minimizing pollution and in increasing the natural thermal comfort of spaces, while at the same time bringing visual identity to the place, creating new criteria for urban design. integrated and sustainable.Trees play an important role in cities, as they bring harmony, regularity and unity to the landscape, in addition to improving the visuals and scales for pedestrians.
The public space is the first space for social interaction among those who share the city. And in this urban space we are pedestrians with the right to urban accessibility, furniture, sustainable architecture and urban afforestation that bring improvements to the landscape.
Importance of Trees and,Tree Service in Louisville, KY
Discover the reasons why trees are extremely important for our daily life:
- Climatic balance: the trees help to maintain the humidity of the air and the regularity of the rains. The photosynthesis work carried out by its leaves also influences the Earth’s climatic balance. In other words, they help in the distribution and intensity of rainfall, light, air quality, among others;
- Shelter of animal species: trees serve as a habitat for birds and other animals, from the branches of dry trees to the roots, which in addition to preventing erosion, serve as shelter. That is, they are fundamental for the animal species;
- Air purification: they help to keep the air clean. The tree absorbs water from the earth through its roots, and in this process it also receives sunlight by performing photosynthesis;
- City temperature: The concentration of trees in cities helps to keep the climate mild. Mainly because they provide shade. As there is an easing of the cooling of the environments, the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is also reduced. Therefore, they make the temperatures more pleasant, reduce the thermal amplitude and everything is more stable;
- Landscape and natural beauty: there are trees that can live hundreds of years or more than a millennium, as in the case of the Araucarias of the Atlantic Forest, which live 500 years or more; Pinus longaeva, one of the oldest trees on the planet, about 4,800 years old, located in the Inyo National Forest, California; the giant Jequitibá (49 m) approximately 3,000 years old, located in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, Vassununga National Park; among others. And this longevity brings to the trees a unique natural beauty, each one with its unique characteristics and peculiarities.
Tree: a Living Being
In addition to so many benefits for the planet, human beings also take advantage of numerous resources that are used in their daily lives. We know that trees offer wood, coal, fruits, flowers and raw materials for making paper and a wide variety of products.In construction, wooden structures are used for roofing, glued laminated wood beams, a variety of furniture, frames such as doors and windows. In landscaping, wood is used for making pergolas, benches, planters, dumpsters, bridges and others.
What’s more, its leaves and flowers can be used in medicines, perfumery and medicinal teas. In addition to producing fruits, flowers and seeds as food.Thus, planting trees makes the city or region more beautiful and, consequently, more valued. In addition to fruits for human consumption, they bring a sense of well-being to all inhabitants.
How to Plant?
Since we talk about the importance of trees for the planet, we encourage their planting. So, if you feel like planting a tree, you need to do it consciously.
If you go in front of the house, care must be taken with the chosen species. Not all of them can be planted on the sidewalks. There are some trees that have roots that grow so much that they damage the pavement.
Research with a landscape professional or biologist the most suitable species for your region, and also the one that will grow properly. Some thrive better in warm regions, others in regions with a colder climate. This research is important. After that, it is necessary to choose the place and plant.
Its planting involves some precautions:
- opening the pit with appropriate dimensions for each type of tree;
- soil with adequate pH, where on a scale ranging from 1 to 14, the ideal acidity index is neutral pH equal to 7, where the absorption capacity of nutrients is 100%. Above 7 the soil is alkaline and below 7 it is considered acid. A pH index between 5.5 and 7.5 is considered good, but the ideal would be an index between 6.8 and 7;
- to correct acidic soils, limestone must be added, dolomitic being the most suitable, because in addition to calcium, dolomitic limestone also adds magnesium to the soil. The amount of lime to be incorporated into the soil is indicated by the analysis of the soil;
- the addition of nutrients such as chemical fertilizer NPK – nitrate, phosphorus and potassium;
- organic fertilizers such as dried leaves, fruit peels; and
- periodic watering.
The best way to make any soil gain texture is through the addition of organic matter, where the bacteria and micro-organisms present in the organic matter take care of the soil.In clayey soils, organic matter improves drainage and allows air to circulate more easily. And in sandy soils it contributes decisively to maintaining moisture and nutrients in the root area. The organic matter can be of the compound type, manure, pies and humus, which must be properly tanned, so as not to burn the plants chemically.
Some examples of organic fertilizers: dried seaweed, wood ash, organic compost, dried leaves, peels and fruit and vegetable scraps, castor cake, etc.Organic fertilizers have Nitrogen (N) levels that stimulate sprouting and leafing, Phosphorus (P) levels that stimulate flowering and fruiting and Potassium (K) levels that strengthen plant tissues and make plants more resistant to pests.
Chemical fertilizer of the NPK type is also welcome in fertilization. Chemical nitrogen fertilization, that is, rich in nitrogen, should be done only in cover, after planting the vegetation. Fertilizer with NPK of formula 4-14-18 is indicated at the beginning of planting, whereas fertilizer with formula 10-10-10 is indicated for garden maintenance.Irrigation is another very important factor for plants in general. However, the need for water depends on the type of soil, temperature, wind speed, climate of the region, type of tree and maintenance practices.
As a general rule, irrigate the soil before it is completely dry. The best time to irrigate is in the morning and in the afternoon during sunset. In any case, excess water can also be harmful. To obtain a more uniform and less laborious irrigation, sprinklers can be attached to the hoses in your garden.Regarding tree pruning. As a general rule do not prune. Let it grow at will. Only perform formation pruning and phytosanitary pruning.
The formation pruning implies the elimination of side shoots and suckers. Phytosanitary pruning involves the removal of unwanted parts of the plant, such as: branches and dead parts, branches infested by insects, branches broken by storms and other accidents and branches that cross and scrape one another.Pruning must be accompanied by treatment of the cut site with a fungicidal agent to provide rapid healing.
The implantation of plant species is usually carried out in three phases:
- execution,
- consolidation and
The execution refers to the preparation of the land, acquisition of seedlings and planting. Consolidation refers to intense cultural treatments, immediately after planting, to ensure the seedlings are taken and development begins, corresponding to a period of three months.
Maintenance, on the other hand, is normal and continuous cultural treatments, year after year, for the conservation of tree vegetation in good health and development.
Here are some suggestions for urban afforestation:
Small species (up to 8m high – streets and sleepers)
- Brunfelsia uniflora – Garden manaca
- Hibiscus pernambucensi – Beach cotton
- Acacia podalyriifolia – Acacia mimosa
- Grevillea banksii – Dwarf Grevilea
- Callistemon citrinum – Bottle brush
- Hibiscus rosa-sinensis – Hibiscus, mime of venus
- Largestroemia indica – Resedá
Medium-sized species (from 8 to 15m high – bike paths and avenues)
- Schinus terebinthifollius – Aroeira pepper
- Tabebuia roseo-alba – White Ipe
- Tabebuia crysotricha – Yellow ipê from cerrado
- Tibouchina granulosa – Lent
- Cassia leptophylla – False barbatimão
- Bauhinia variegata – Cow foot
- Cassia fistula – Golden shower or canapist
- Plumeria rubra – Jasmine mango
Large species (over 15m high – squares and parks)
- Caesalpinea peltophoroides – Sibipiruna
- Licania tomentosa – Oiti
- Lophanthera lactescens – Lofântera
- Jacaranda mimosaefolia – Jacaranda mimoso
- Tabebuia avellanedae – Purple Ipe
- Albizia lebbeck – False-ebony
- Koelreuteria paniculata – Tree from China
- Michelia champaca – Yellow magnolia
Tree: Life Cycle
Planting, caring, protecting and defending trees means valuing all the green that still exists on the planet. This is an act of love for nature, taking care of yourself, your neighbor and the planet.
There are also those who claim that embracing a tree has great power, that of spiritual well-being. There are even several studies on this statement, which is already a tradition of shamanic peoples.
A study published in the book by Matthew Silverstone, confirms that there are real health benefits of hugging a tree. The benefits for children who embrace are enormous.
But, in general, hugging a tree helps control hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, depression, reaction time and even headaches.
Do the test. Approach a tree and feel its energy. You will feel a different energetic vibration. We really need to talk more about the importance of trees. It is necessary to know them, to know how to treat them. And remember that preserving trees is also a matter of health and preservation of life on the planet.
There are so many reasons to preserve and plant a tree, so start right now , alone or in a joint effort. If you live close to parks or degraded areas, where there have been cuts of trees or soil with erosion, check if it is possible to plant more trees, and reforest.
If you have a backyard, even better, you can plant a fruit tree and have tasty fruits at a time of year. Enjoy the week of the tree, you can contribute to the environment by planting or adopting a tree.
The tree is a living being, whose life cycle it is born, breathes, grows, reproduces and dies. And when the trees reproduce, they generate fruits that with their seeds continue their legacy, that of providing one of life’s most precious goods, oxygen.
Remember that Brazil has a rich flora and still little explored, make your choice among so many species and plant a tree, or maybe plant a “pocket forest”, so that life in cities with more quality and harmony is possible with many trees beautifying the urban environment.
And if you are doing your walk through the park and streets, when looking at a tree just say thank you. With the rush of the day, we ended up not giving so much importance to this living being, which benefits us so much. Then, when an opportunity arises, admire a tree with love, touch its leaves, breathe deeply and give thanks as something fundamental for life.