Importance of Management

Management refers to any attitude or decision – making aimed at guiding a thing or person towards a specific end . Throughout history, this type of activity has resulted in various forms, forms that on occasions could have been unfortunate. That is why a deep reflection must be made regarding the fact of taking responsibility for a particular company or for a human group. The well understood direction is one that is understood as a service, as the ability to provide others with a type of order to achieve a good that transcends each of the people involved, the so-called common good.

The term direction derives from the Latin expression “ducere”, an expression that refers to the fact of dragging or guiding something from the front. Thus, we can see that the term leadership is extremely linked to the concept of leadership . Today many reflections are generated on what motivates a relationship between a person and a mass of people who are motivated by it to carry out concrete actions. Unfortunately, many of these reflections deal with superfluous aspects, without trying to understand a fundamental aspect that makes any type of direction .

The addressit is based on the fact of adding value to the group. This means providing an interaction with all its members to carry out joint actions that guarantee an improvement in the conditions that exist. Leadership could be understood as mobilizing and generating incentives for the other members of the group in regards to carrying out these actions. Unfortunately, as has already been outlined, there is a clear misunderstanding of this role, a misunderstanding that leads to excessively vertical organizations that have profound inefficiency as a consequence of this structure. Tyranny, for example, would be the greatest expression of this misinterpretation; in effect, the tyrant seeks others to follow him out of fear, fact that usually leads to resistance and revolts that sometimes lead to real bloodbaths. In contrast, well understood leadership leads to spontaneous and voluntary adherence.

It is important to emphasize, whenever possible, these points when it comes to understanding direction . Indeed, despite the discursive evaluation of this type of action, the truth is that there are also many misunderstandings in this regard.


by Abdullah Sam
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