Hypercholesterolemia: cholesterol hurts only if in excess!

The cholesterol is a fatty substance and not only travels in the blood, but is transported by some lipoproteins such as high density lipoprotein (HDL), in the case of good cholesterol or the low density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol. Although it is always cited as a problem for our health, the truth is that cholesterol is essential for our body and has essential and well-defined functions: from it most of the hormones, bile acids (necessary for good digestion are formed) ) and is needed during the age of growth for cell production. What is certainly harmful for our body is its excess, which can go to settle in the arterial vessels and form atherosclerotic plaque.

What is hypercholesterolemia?

When we talk about hypercholesterolemia we mean an excess of blood cholesterol levels and this is a very common condition, more than you can imagine. We distinguish 2 main types of cholesterol:

  • The HDL cholesterol , known as good cholesterol, owes its name to the union of cholesterol with high-density lipoprotein, HDL. When they bind, they carry excess cholesterol to the liver so that it can be destroyed. Once it reaches the liver, it is stored there or expelled outward through the bile;
  • The LDL , known as bad cholesterol, binds to low-density lipoprotein, LDL, responsible for transporting cholesterol from the liver to the rest of our body’s cells. It is known as bad cholesterol because when it binds to the LDL particle it settles on the wall of the arteries and forms the atherosclerotic plaques that hinder the passage of blood and can cause myocardial infarction.

Hypercholesterolaemia: what is it caused by?

L ‘ high cholesterol may be caused by a little proper diet that leads to introducing cholesterol-rich foods, and in some cases there may be some genetic predispositions that prevent proper elimination of cholesterol, despite an adequate diet. Cholesterol begins to increase at 20 years of age and continues to increase up to 60 or 65 years of age. In men it tends to be taller before the age of 50 than in women of the same age, after the age of 50, the opposite is true.

How to keep cholesterol within limits?

Certainly following some behavioral rules can help keep cholesterol values ​​within limits:

  • Physical exercise
  • Healthy diet ( Mediterranean diet )
  • Consume alcohol in moderation
  • Not smoking
  • Stay in the ideal weight
  • Prefer vegetable fats such as olive oil

How do you recognize hypercholesterolemia?

Having high cholesterol usually doesn’t cause symptoms for a long time. A simple blood sample is needed to diagnose blood cholesterol values. The test gives information on: LDL levels, HDL levels, total cholesterol, triglycerides. Other names of the cholesterol test: lipid profile, lipid panel. When and how often a blood sample should be taken depends on age, risk factors and family history.

High cholesterol: what to do if a healthy lifestyle is not enough?

If you have a history of cardiovascular disease or other associated risk factors, not only should you follow the recommendations, that is, pay attention to the diet and exercise more; but if cholesterol does not decrease with these measures, it may be necessary to take some of the drugs that help lower its levels.

There are many drugs that have this function, starting from some supplements , indicated for cases of mild hypercholesterolaemia. Then well-known and safe drugs that lower cholesterol levels by reducing its production in the liver and new drugs with bi-weekly administration that are very effective in the event that oral therapies are not sufficient or in the case of genetic hypercholesterolaemia.


by Abdullah Sam
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