hygiene of the genitals of babies

One of the doubts that many new parents have is how they should clean the genitals of their children, as well as the anus or bottom of their baby, since the change of diapers will be, at least in the first two years of the baby’s life , one of the tasks that they will have to perform the most. When it comes to cleaning the baby during the bath or to change the diaper, the first thing you have to do is consider their gender. Both boys and girls generally need very similar care. Cleaning is only distinguished by gender, that is, whether it is a boy or a girl .

The infantile genitals must be cared for with great delicacy and attention . As they are not exposed, they can present some infection due to lack of hygiene.


  1. How to clean the genitals of girls
  2. How to clean the genitals of children
  3. How and when to change the baby’s diaper
  4. Tips for changing baby’s diapers

How to clean the genitals of girls

To prevent the vagina from becoming infected with germs from the remains of stool in the anus, it should always be cleaned from front to back , that is, from the vulva to the anus. It is not necessary to open your genitals to clean the labia majora and minora. You can limit yourself to washing and drying the area covered by the diaper or panties, from front to back. Once clean, sponge or wipe the abdomen, thighs, folds and buttocks. When everything is dry, apply a thin layer of the protective cream only on the external parts, in the folds and around the anus.

How to clean the genitals of children

As the urine spreads everywhere, it is necessary to clean it very well to avoid burning the penis. Be careful before removing the dirty diaper. Baby boys usually urinate the moment you remove the diaper . For this reason, it is advisable to hold the diaper for a few seconds. Done that, open the diaper and drag the stool with wipes and throw them in the diaper. Pass the washcloth or sponge over the abdomen, navel, folds, thighs, testicles and under the penis, so as not to remain traces of urine or feces. There is no need to retract or clean the foreskin of your penis. It is best cleaned during the bath .

Those who are not circumcised should lower or pull back the foreskin and wash this part of the glans with plenty of water and soap . Raise her legs to clean her anus and buttocks. When the entire area is dry, apply the protective cream generously on the penis and around the testicles, anus and buttocks .

How and when to change the baby’s diaper

The smaller the baby is, the more times you will have to change the diaper . At first, about eight times a day , since at this stage the baby evacuates and urinates more times. Due to its delicate skin, the baby will also be more prone to having rashes or eczema in the bottom area, which is why it is so important to maintain hygiene in this area. It is advisable to change the diaper when the baby wakes up and before going to sleep. It is also important that you do it after each feeding or when you observe that the baby is upset because of being wet or dirty.

Tips for changing baby’s diapers

– Wash your hands with soap and water
– Have all the products you will need at hand: a diaper of a suitable size (cloth or disposable), disposable and fragrance-free wipes or a natural sponge, protective cream to avoid irritation , dry washcloth, and a changing table. If you are away from home, it is advisable to always carry a bag with all the products.
– When removing the dirty diaper, it is advisable to leave the baby’s skin in the open air, or allow the baby to remain without a diaper for a while at home.
– In case the baby has any irritation or eczema in the area of ​​the bottom, do not forget to put a cream to treat the area. If the dermatitis continues to increase, it is better to consult the baby’s pediatrician.
– It is not advisable to use talcum powder. Experts say they can make a baby’s skin very dry. Water based pastes are more recommended because they will really protect the baby’s folds. The doctor should always be consulted before applying any product to the baby’s skin.

For the rest, it only remains, as the baby or child grows, to be taught to clean themselves. To always wash your hands after having a bowel movement or urinating, and flush the toilet and check that everything is clean. It is also important to change underwear every day , after bathing, or in case they have been stained. And if in doubt, ask the child’s pediatrician.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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