How to watch YouTube trending videos in other countries

YouTube is a very popular page to watch videos, in fact it is the most important in the world in this sector, in any case, depending on the country, trends can vary a lot . Today we are going to show you how to watch videos that are trending on YouTube in other countries.

How to watch YouTube Trending Videos in Other Countries

Trends vary from country to country, which is why a video in Argentina may not be the same trend as another in Spain. If you are curious to know what is trending in other places, today you will learn very easily how to see this information .

What are YouTube trends? and trends in other countries

For anyone new to the internet world , you may not be familiar with the term trends. If you have no idea what YouTube trends are going, please read the following information carefully.

YouTube trends are effectively that, those videos that are trending, within the platform . In other words, they are those videos that are being viewed massively in a given country.

Certainly seeing the trends and seeing the statistics of a YouTube channel with Analytics are especially useful processes for anyone who wants to start a project on this social platform, for which we recommend learning them.

By default we can see the trends that exist in our nation, in any case it is also possible to see those videos that are being a trend in other countries . If you are interested in knowing this information, here we have prepared a guide to see these popular videos in other nations.

How to watch YouTube trending videos in other countries

As we said before, trends vary a lot from country to country, fortunately YouTube gives us the option to see very easily the trends of other nations that are not ours. Read the following tutorial to learn how to see trends from other countries:

  • The first step is precisely to enter YouTube.
  • You must log in with your account, for this click on the Accessbutton located in the upper right corner.
  • A new window will appear in which you are asked to enter your email, provide that information and click next, you must enter your password, enter your password and click on the Next button .
  • After the above process, you should have successfully logged into your YouTube account, which is the same Gmailaccount . If after the above you have problems, we recommend reading this guide to log in to YouTube with or without my Google mail .
  • Continuing, the Trends option should appear on the left side of your screen. If it does not appear, press on the three horizontal lines to access various functions. There click on
  • This will show the trends of your country.
  • To see trends in other countries,click on the icon of your user located in the upper right corner.
  • By clicking on this link you should locate Location,click there and change to any country for which you want to see the trends.

That is how easy it is to see the trends of another country, as you will notice it is a very simple process and many countries appear for you to inform yourself properly. This can also be useful on certain occasions, for example if you intend to make successful videos on YouTube .

Usefulness of viewing trends

Seeing the trends of a given country can be useful in various circumstances, mainly for those who create content within the platform or anyone who intends to sell some type of product or advertise.

Seeing the trends you will know what draws the attention of the members of a particular territory. In the event that you intend to create a video focused on a specific country , analyze its trends and study them to offer appropriate content.

Then, when you have created your content, we recommend that you inform yourself to find out who watches your videos on YouTube , among many other processes that will be useful in this interesting career to achieve success on this video platform.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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