How to use the Excel function IMAGINARY

By using Microsoft Excel to perfection, we can have a wealth of useful possibilities and tools at hand. The great variety of formulas and functions that it has make it one of the best programs that exist to work with.

On this occasion, we will highlight the use of the IMAGINARY and IMPORTDYNAMIC DATA functions , in addition to explaining their most important characteristics. The two functions are applied in different areas, but they are just as useful and important within the Excel program.

Pay close attention to each of the details that we will mention about the functions of IMAGINARY and IMPORTADATOSDINAMICOS in Excel.

Importance and uses of the IMAGINARY function in Excel

Among the functions used for mathematical and trigonometric operations, the IMAGINARY function is very important and relevant. It is used to calculate the imaginary coefficient of a complex number, fulfilling a series of parameters that are important.

It is located in the list of functions in the Engineering category, like many other equally important tools. It works under the text format of x + yi or x + yj , which is a fundamental aspect.

It works with the mandatory argument of Inumber , which is the representation of the value that will obtain its respective imaginary coefficient. This value has to be a complex number, since this function and many others have been developed for that.

If your data is not complex numbers, it can be easily converted. The COMPLEX function in Excel allows you to convert numbers that are real and imaginary into complex numbers very quickly.

It is represented as = IMAGINARY in the Excel formula bar to perform the corresponding calculation on the sheet. It must be accompanied by the value of Number placed between parentheses and quotation marks so that the program can quickly recognize it.

In Excel you can also write or place large numbers so that they can be easily detailed on other data and values. It is a very useful technique and trick to give importance to certain information and variables of great relevance.

Likewise, there is the PMT function that is used to calculate loan amounts , determining their respective installments quickly. It is a very useful function in financial matters, which is an area that uses many Excel tools.

Start using the IMAGNARIO function to be able to quickly calculate the imaginary coefficients of the figures you are handling.

Importance and use of the DYNAMIC DATA function in Excel

Leaving aside the more difficult mathematical calculations a bit, this time we will talk about the useful function of IMPORTDYNAMIC DATA . It serves to re-show data that was hidden in pivot tables, to highlight it again on the sheet.

It contains a series of arguments, some of which are mandatory and another is optional for development in the document. The first mandatory is Camp_datos , where the name of the field where the important data to be retrieved is found is reflected.

Second is Dynamic_Table , which is the reference to the corresponding dynamic table cell. Finally, there is the optional argument to Field1 or Item1, which are the field names to be retrieved.

It is represented in the formula bar as = DYNAMIC DATA IMPORT , followed by the aforementioned values ​​placed within parentheses. It is always important to follow the instructions so that the function works correctly and can return the required data.

If the specified mandatory arguments are not met, the function will throw a final error when it is made to work. That is why it is important to comply with each of them, and thus the hidden information of the document can be recovered.

Another very useful Excel function is that of EXP.DIST , to calculate exponential type distributions of the obtained values. It is a function that belongs to the Statistics category, and is one of the most used within the program.

Keep visiting our See how it’s done page so you can learn a lot more things and quite interesting topics. We not only explain curiosities of Excel, but also of social networks, video editors and other elements of great interest.


by Abdullah Sam
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