How to unlock all agents in Valorant?

Valorant, is an FPS , for its acronym in English, First Person Shooter, launched by Riot Games in June 2020, highly valued for its competitive mechanics and its innovative style, having a very striking fantasy graphic section, to play it, we have a series of characters, or agents, which each have their abilities and disadvantages.

In total there are 11 agents available in the game, at the beginning of the game, you will only have two, but all the others can also be used, but you have to do a series of steps to be able to unlock them and be able to use them without problems, their beta is currently available for PC and has medium requirements, it is important that you know if your PC can run it.

How to unlock all agents in Valorant?

When we start the game for the first time, we will have a very basic character , with whom we can learn to play, but if we want to be the best, we must get an agent that is based on our style of play, as a first step we must play some games, and by doing so we will have the possibility of unlocking two agents for free and quickly.

After this, we will see that in the selection menu we will have many other characters, these agents work with “contracts” , you must accept their contract to be able to use them, in the selection part you must look for the box that says “see contract”, here you It will say that you must do a series of steps to unlock the character.

In total there are 5 phases or requirements that you need to complete, the mechanics are as follows, you accept the contract of 1 or two agents, and you start playing games with it, each character will have their requirements, but in most of them you must win the highest number of games, to make the process faster.

With this, you can unlock each of the available agents, you must always keep in mind that Valorant is a completely online game, for this you must have a stable connection when playing, in order to prevent you from getting the error due to problems of net.

How to optimize your PC to get the best performance in Valorat?

Valorant is a somewhat demanding game, especially for teams from before 2015, since it has many animations and background processes, it is not something that difficult to process for current PCs, however it is necessary to know how to clean u optimize our system so that Valorant runs at extra FPS.

There are certain utilities such as Game Booster , which you can make use of. What this type of program does is limit the background processes of our operating system, to make all the performance go to the game.

Another thing that you must take into account is the Drivers of your PC, keeping them updated will also help you a lot when playing Valorant or any other game, you can check online, looking for the name of your motherboard, you can find updated Drivers.

Also, if you have less than 4GB of RAM memory , it is recommended that you do not have other programs open, since these consume a bit of memory, and cause the game to crash or jerk due to lack of memory in the system, such as Last step you can measure the performance of your PC , before and after this procedure and check the difference.

Tips to get started in Valorat

Valorant is also a strategy game, in which you have to develop plays in order to win as many points as possible, this is why you need to take care of your position, when playing, try not to stay motionless in one place, since you can be an easy target because they will always know where to find you.

As we already know, there are 11 agents available and each one specializes in a game mode, you must find the one that makes you more comfortable, so as not to have problems with mobility.

Accuracy is very important , and not only when shooting or launching some power, but also, when listening, it is advisable to use headphones to achieve surround sound, with which you will be able to know where the opponents are coming from and what don’t be taken by surprise.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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