How to unsubscribe from Badoo Premium subscription

Badoo is a free app used for dating , it is famous almost all over the world and today it has millions of users. Although actually joining this website does not cost any money, many functions that it has are paid and need a subscription to use them (although there are ways to use them for free ), such as Badoo Premium.

If you have subscribed to the paid version of F and you already want to unsubscribe, we will show you each step you must follow to end this subscription correctly.

Index( )

  1. How to cancel your Badoo premium subscription if you pay by credit card?
    1. Cancel it if you pay with PayPal
    2. Unsubscribe from iTunes
  2. Why is your Badoo subscription still being charged if you have already canceled the services?
  3. How to ensure that your Badoo subscription has been canceled?
  4. How to delete your Badoo account permanently and stop paying premium?

How to cancel your Badoo premium subscription if you pay by credit card?

Removing the premium subscription to Badoo is quite simple, you should know that the fact that you unsubscribe from this version does not mean that your profile will be deleted, on the contrary, it will remain active but this time it will work for free. If you want to completely delete your account, you must follow a few steps other than those shown below.

  • The first thing you need to do is log in to your Badoo account.
  • Then you will have to go to the ‘Settings’ menu.
  • Select the option ‘Unsubscribe’ if you are doing it from your computer, if instead you are doing it from your mobile you have to first select the option that says ‘Subscriptions’and then ‘Badoo Premium’.
  • Now you must click the option that says ‘Cancel subscription’ from your PC or mobile will be the same.
  • After deleting the subscription, you will receive a confirmation email that will notify you that your account has gone from premium to free, and that’s it, you will no longer be subscribed.

Cancel it if you pay with PayPal

When it comes to paying for a premium subscription on Badoo , you have several ways to do it. One of them, and the main one, is through a credit card and the second option is through Paypal.

When it comes to eliminating or canceling the premium subscription, you just have to follow the steps that we showed you previously and then wait for the day of the payment date to enter your Paypal account and verify that the monthly payment has not been discounted again, although this is something that does not usually happen frequently.

Unsubscribe from iTunes

If you use the Badoo Premium app from an iPhone device, account cancellation must be done from iTunes . The first thing you have to do is enter the configuration menu, locate and select the ‘iTunes & App Store option.

You have to log in with your Apple ID and then locate the ‘Subscriptions’ option in the new menu that will open. You will have to review the list of subscriptions and locate the Badoo Premium application, select ‘Cancel Subscription’, confirm, wait for the confirmation email to arrive and your subscription will have already been deleted.

Why is your Badoo subscription still being charged if you have already canceled the services?

Normally when they cancel the Badoo Premium membership, it already stops charging the services, unless you have not done it in the correct way.

There are users who think that by deleting the account and the application it is completely canceled and the truth is that this is not the case, in order to completely delete the subscription you have to go to the configuration area and cancel the subscription from there. If you did not do it that way, we invite you to cancel the service again but now following the steps that we show you in the article.

How to ensure that your Badoo subscription has been canceled?

The best way to ensure that the Badoo Premium subscription has been successfully canceled is to check in your email that you have received the message informing you that your account has gone from Premium to free and as a second option is the point of waiting to the date on which you used to pay and review the movements of your credit card or Paypal account to verify that you have not been charged more.

Badoo has an option in which it is not necessary to fully subscribe to Premium to enjoy its services, but you can pay for a few days or a month, it is like a kind of credit. However, this option brings with it some small letters where the application asks you if you want to recharge the credit when it is low.

What you have to do is that when you enter your credit card details to pay, you must uncheck this box that commits you to recharging the Badoo credit whenever it is low. Remember that it is only for the Badoo credit upload and not the premium subscription.

How to delete your Badoo account permanently and stop paying premium?

When you decide to cancel the Badoo Premium subscription, the account is still active, you will only access it from its free version, this is something that they inform you through an email sent after you unsubscribe from the Premium version. But if you want to permanently delete your Badoo account, just follow the steps below.

  • Go to the Badoo websitefrom a computer.
  • Open your account and access the configuration option.
  • Scroll down and find the option that says ‘Delete Account’.
  • Write the reason why you want to delete the account and press ‘Continue’.
  • Two boxes will appear, in the first you must enter your password and in the second the characters that appear on the left side, then press ‘Delete Account’ again.

Remember to wait 30 days so that your data is really deleted from the Badoo database, if for any reason you want to recover your Badoo account that was deleted , you just have to re-enter the data before the 30 days are up.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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