How to Uninstall Family Link

Uninstalling Family Link from a device may be necessary if you no longer want to use this popular  parental control application .

Sometimes on the Internet we can find content that is not suitable for the smallest of the house, that is why Google created the Family Link, which is a parental control to protect what our children see or download; Besides that, Google also gives you directly the option to block adult pages without having to download anything.

It is not only Google that has created these types of applications, if you search the Play Store you will find many applications that will help you control what your children see on their phone.

But, as in many cases, the process to erase it is not as simple as said and done. Therefore, we bring the best way to solve this problem in a quick and easy guide .

How to Uninstall Family Link – The Easiest Solution

How can I easily uninstall Family Link?

The user must have on hand the device from which they will delete the application, in order to begin the process that is detailed.

Next, you will have to look from the list of programs and options for the one destined to ” Settings ” or ” Settings “, this could vary according to the version of Android you have.

Next, you will have to scroll the view until you find the ” Personal ” section and, from the available choices, choose ” Accounts “.

Consequently, the Android device will update the window to the section where it locates all the accounts synchronized with it.

As you can see, there is no option that directly says ” Family Link “, so you must select above the ” Google ” accounts . So that you can view all the profiles.

In this way, proceed to press on the profile from which you want to uninstall Family Link, or the one associated with said App.

Make sure that it is not your main session, because with this method what is achieved is to completely eliminate the account to be able to get rid of the application.


Now, returning to the account ” Synchronization ” window , you will find on some computers the option ” Delete account ” at once.

While, in other cases, you must locate and press the upper side menu on the right side, marked with three vertical dots. Due to this action, you will have two options, of which you will choose the second one, called ” Remove account ”

Thus, when giving in any of the presentations, the system will ask if you want to ” Delete account “, so you will have to confirm to uninstall Family link and the entire profile.

Remove the Family link account from the App

If what you want is to remove the account directly from the application, you will only have to run it from the computer in question.

Then, choose the option ” Configuration Manager “, so that you can select ” Account Information ” when updating the first one.

Finally, you must click on the ” Delete account ” mode , and then follow the instructions of the App to the letter and thus delete the profile without having to uninstall Family Link.

Do the deletion from the browser

When this parental control has been configured for the Google Chrome browser, the procedure you must follow is a little different, but just as easy.

In this case, you will have to access the Google account through which you carry out parental supervision of the other profiles.


Then, you must click or select the option corresponding to your child’s account, or the one you want to delete. Although it is convenient to check if it complies with the parameters established by the company to carry out this action.

In this way, you can proceed to click on the ” Parental Settings ” property, followed by the ” More ” option . Then later, you will have to look in the left side menu, for the profile information.

To finish this step by step, you will have the possibility to choose the option ” Delete the account and data ” and the access of your son, daughter or dependent profile.

As you have seen, it is quite easy to remove the Family Link, and it does not matter which section of the guide you use, you will get the desired results.

But beware! Think about it before deleting any account, since you will not be able to recover any of its data or profile after doing so. You will lose photos, contacts, histories and any other information it contained.

If you want to protect your children and prevent them from watching videos that are not suitable for their age, YouTube also gives you the opportunity to activate the restricted mode.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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