How to tell if someone has unfriended you on Snapchat?

Within the Snapchat application, as in most social networks, you can remove users from your friends list, even block, which is a bit more extreme. All this is something that is anonymous, that is to say, no announcement or notification will arrive, and if you think that someone has removed you from their friends, here in See How To Do It we will tell you various methods so that you realize it. 

Index(  )

  1. Should you send him a test Snap to see if he blocked you?
    1. Does this really work?
  2. How to check your friends’ Snaps score? – If it does not appear, it has blocked you
  3. How to use SnapScore to see if you’re blocked or deleted?
  4. Where can you check if someone you follow doesn’t follow you back?

Should you send him a test Snap to see if he blocked you?

To find out if someone blocked you on Snapchat , you can try sending a message to that person as a test. On the home screen of the app, tap on the chat bubble, which is located on the bottom left. Select the user you suspect I blocked. Make a small message and send it.

If you automatically receive a response that says: The chat ‘Your chat will be pending’, or if the arrow that appears right next to the name of said user is gray, it may mean that they have deleted you. If just the opposite, the arrow appears red, then you should be calm that person has not eliminated you.

Does this really work?

Sending a message and seeing the ad that we just mentioned along with the gray arrows does not mean 100% that that person has blocked you; however, from the home screen using the search bar you can search for the name of the friend who you think deleted you, if his account does not appear, it is another sign that he has blocked you.

Although you have to remember that there is a possibility that the person has suspended or deleted their own account. And this may be the reason why he does not appear.

How to check your friends’ Snaps score? – If it does not appear, it has blocked you

As we already mentioned, Snapchat does not directly notify you that a user has deleted you. Therefore, you must find out for yourself. However, this is usually very tedious for some people. To make things much more complicated, apart from the fact that it does not notify you when you are deleted , the user continues to appear in your friends, but it will be you who does not appear in his friends list.

  1. Open the Snchap app on your personal phone.
  2. Once there, go to the friends section. To do this, just swipe to the right while you are in the camera section and from here open the friends list. Also just by clicking on Friends which is in the lower left part of the screen. And he is represented by a circular icon or also called a chat bubble.
  3. When you are already in the list of your friends, just look for the friend who you think has deleted youwithin Snapchat then click on their name. This will bring up a window with various options.
  4. In the window with options that just appeared, you must select the one that says See Friendship and is located at the bottom, below the user’s name. Automatically you will go to your personal profile.
  5. When you are already in their profile, you will be able to see the Snapchat scoresthat person has, these are located at the bottom of your friend’s name, and next to the respective Snap label.

How to use SnapScore to see if you’re blocked or deleted?

As we have just mentioned, through the score or better known as SnapScore, you can deduce if a person has eliminated you; however, this score only appears if you also follow them, if not then you only have to search for the profile and check their list of friends if you appear then they have not deleted you.

In the event that the person has blocked you, this is as if he or she will not exist for you within this social network, therefore, the profile will not appear.

Where can you check if someone you follow doesn’t follow you back?

To know if someone you follow, also follows back is not something so complicated, you can do it through SnapScore or the score, since as we mentioned in the previous part this only appears if both people follow each other.

You can also try to publish a photograph and when reviewing the views, if the name of the person of interest appears, it means that they are still following you. Finally you can check your list of followers and verify that his or her name is still there.