How to study well at school

High academic performance guarantees the location of the majority of teachers, the prospect of successfully passing the exam and easy admission to the university. But how to start doing well in school if your grades were poor in the past and most subjects were difficult for you? It is enough to engage in self-organization, find powerful motivation, and also learn how to properly distribute energy and time.

If you are constantly told that you are a mediocre student, and you yourself begin to doubt your intellectual abilities, then it is worthwhile to additionally work on self-esteem. Remember: mastering the school curriculum does not require genius and, if desired, at least 90% of students can become excellent students. Let’s talk about how to do well in school and what can interfere with your progress.


1 Most common reasons for low academic performance

2 5 conditions for improving school performance

3 How to start doing well at school: TOP-10 tips

3.1 Find Powerful Motivation

3.2 Choose the right time to practice

3.3 Create a daily routine

3.4 Stop procrastinating

3.5 Allow yourself to be carried away by study

3.6 Connect with teachers

3.7 Stop chasing marks

3.8 Create a comfortable workplace

3.9 Use as many channels as possible for training

3.10 Do not overestimate the opinions of others

The most common reasons for low academic performance

The most common reasons for low school performance are lack of internal discipline, hyperactivity, loss of motivation and banal disorganization. The hardest part is with motivation: it is difficult to understand how to start doing well in school if you do not understand the meaning of the classes. In second place is the lack of internal discipline, which is inextricably linked with the will – it is especially lacking in primary school students.

Another common cause of low academic performance is procrastination. Many students constantly postpone their lessons until later and end up trying to do their homework late at night or during recess.

It is difficult to deal with it, but it is possible – it makes sense to draw up a daily routine and strictly follow it.

As for hyperactivity, this syndrome is easiest to eliminate under the supervision of a psychiatrist. If you do not know what is happening to you, and why you cannot sit in one place, contact a specialist.

5 conditions for improving school performance

In fact, there are many more conditions, but 5 of them are key. Try to take them into account with an eye to your own personality. Key conditions for improving your school performance:

  1. Motivated – You realize the specific benefits of getting good grades and getting good grades.
  2. Sincere interest – you should be interested in learning, while your interest should constantly warm up and grow.
  3. Comfortable environment – you should have enough time to study, a comfortable and well-lit work desk.
  4. The presence of energy for study – the day should not be overloaded, you should have enough time for rest and entertainment.
  5. The ability to organize yourself – given the large number of subjects and a significant amount of homework, it is important to be able to allocate time and effort, organize yourself.

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Another important prerequisite for improving your academic performance is adequate self-esteem. It is she who will not let you give up at the first setbacks and will not allow you to depend on the opinions of the people around you. If you are not confident in your abilities, are worried about an accidentally received “two” or just cannot get down to classes because you are afraid of failing – it’s time to start working on raising your self-esteem.

How to start doing well at school: TOP-10 tips

You have to overcome laziness, find motivation and use the ability to find common ground with teachers. It will be much easier to achieve excellent grades if you heed the advice from educators and psychologists. Let’s outline the most important recommendations among them.

Find Powerful Motivation

Academic success does not guarantee not only a high-paying job, but also a happy life in general. Positive grades cannot be an end in itself – you are not learning for the sake of “A’s”. So explain to yourself why you want to study well. For example, for admission to the budget in a good university or because of a sincere craving for knowledge.

Choose the right time to practice

It is best to do your homework 1-2 hours after you get home from school. During this time, your brain reaches its peak activity. Lessons should be tried to be done at the same time. At the same time, you should not overload yourself and try to embrace the immense – even in high school, preparing homework should not take more than 3 hours.

Create a daily routine

Often, schoolchildren simply do not have time to study, loading their free time from school with computer games, long walks and banal channel switching on the TV remote control. Create a daily routine that includes time for study, relaxation, and household chores. Try to follow it strictly and not start the next business until you finish the previous one.

Stop procrastinating

Procrastination is a pronounced tendency to put off even important things for later. Reasons for chronic procrastination include low self-esteem, frequent setbacks, and a lack of internal discipline. If you are prone to procrastination, then start “treating” it with a daily routine and acceptance of responsibility. Remember that the desire to study well is your choice and your responsibility.

Let yourself get carried away with your studies

Get rid of clichés – school is not all about lessons and homework. Try to get carried away with subjects that you are really interested in. The Internet will help you with this – look for good teaching materials, read more and immerse yourself in the subject. Believe me, there are a lot of interesting things on the network, which is only one channel of the physics teacher from Odessa Pavel Viktor.

Connect with teachers

If you want to get not only the maximum knowledge, but also as many positive marks as possible, then try to find an approach to teachers. The easiest way is to fulfill their demands and requests, even if they seem strange and far-fetched to you. You should not try to become their favorites, but trusting and even friendly relations will definitely not hurt you.

Stop chasing marks

Thousands of eminent scientists, businessmen and even well-known politicians studied well in school, but at the same time they did not receive the best grades. Each “five” is a teacher’s subjective assessment of your level of training. You don’t have to go out of your way to get them. Believe me, you will forget about all the “fives” and “twos” the next day after leaving school.

Create a comfortable workplace

Practice shows that the productivity of intellectual labor significantly increases in a comfortable environment. Therefore, the desktop should be well lit, there should be no foreign objects on it. Be sure to keep the room clean, if you are more comfortable playing music – turn on something neutral and tonic, provide an adequate supply of fresh air with ventilation.

Use as many channels for learning as possible

Use your computer and smartphone not only for calls, games and social networking – install educational applications, subscribe to educational channels. In the same social networks, there are a lot of thematic groups for studying all school subjects. Attend as many webinars as possible, take part in discussions, motivate yourself to study by traveling to Olympiads, conferences and educational forums.

Don’t overestimate someone else’s opinion

If one of the teachers categorically rejects you, if someone doubts your intellectual abilities, if even the closest people do not believe in you, try to limit the impact of their opinion on your psyche. Dependence on third-party assessments can hurt your self-esteem. It is important for you to believe in yourself and your own strengths.


How to start doing well in school? Find motivation, allocate time correctly and create comfortable conditions for training. At the same time, it is important to decide for yourself: do you study for the sake of knowledge and skills, or simply strive to get positive marks in any way. In the first case, self-organization and internal discipline will help you, in the second – the ability to find a common language with teachers and unconditionally fulfill their assignments. However, we do not recommend that you chase the “fives” – they should not be an end in itself, because this is just a subjective assessment of your knowledge by the teacher.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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