How to share screen in whatsapp video call iphone

How to share screen in whatsapp video call iPhone. WhatsApp did not have a built-in feature to share your screen during video calls directly within the app, especially on iPhones. However, features and functionalities of apps can change over time, so it’s recommended to check for any updates or changes in WhatsApp’s capabilities since then.

How to share screen in whatsapp video call iphone.

As of my last update, sharing your screen during a video call on WhatsApp might require third-party apps or workarounds. Here’s a general guide that you can follow. Keep in mind that this information might not be up-to-date, so it’s advisable to verify with the latest resources:

Using Third-Party Apps:

  1. Check the App Store for any third-party apps that claim to enable screen sharing during video calls on WhatsApp. Look for apps with good reviews and a substantial number of downloads.
  2. Download and install the selected app.
  3. Follow the app’s instructions to enable screen sharing and integrate it with WhatsApp.

Using Built-In Screen Sharing: As of my last update, iPhones have a built-in screen recording feature that could be used alongside a WhatsApp video call. Here’s a general idea of how you might use it:

  1. Enable Screen Recording:
    • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.
    • Scroll down and tap on “Control Center.”
    • Under “More Controls,” find “Screen Recording” and tap the green plus button to add it to your Control Center.
  2. Start Screen Recording:
    • During a WhatsApp video call, swipe down from the upper-right corner (or from the bottom, depending on your iPhone model) to access the Control Center.
    • Tap the “Screen Recording” button. It will start recording everything on your screen.
  3. Share Your Screen on WhatsApp:
    • Navigate to the screen you want to share (e.g., an app or content you want to show during the call).
    • Your screen will be recorded, including the WhatsApp video call.

Please note that even if this method works, it will capture everything on your screen, not just the video call itself. Additionally, newer updates might have changed how screen sharing works, so it’s best to consult the latest resources or WhatsApp’s official support channels for the most accurate information.

Remember to respect the privacy and consent of the person you’re communicating with if you decide to use any screen sharing methods. Always ensure that you’re following ethical and legal guidelines.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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