How to see the FPS in CS: GO

The FPS or frames per second are an important piece of information to know how fluid CS: GO ( Counter-Strike: Global Offensive ) runs . Here we present three ways to know the FPS you have in CS: GO , at all times. Two of the ways to see the FPS are through the command console, while the last way does not require it.

If you don’t know how to activate the CS: GO console , at the end of the article we tell you how to do it.

Method 1: net_graph command

The net_graph command is the most used to view the FPS in CS: GO . The great advantage of this command is that, in addition to the frames, it shows you additional information. If you open the command console and type net_graph 1 , you will see something similar to the following image:

Thanks to this command, you will also be able to see the ping you have without having to open the game marker. In addition to net_graph, there are three other related commands that will be useful to adapt the information to your comfort.


This variation of the command allows you to change the position in which the data is displayed. There are three positions:

  • net_graphpos 1: this is the default option, and places the information in the lower right corner .
  • net_graphpos 0: this command will move the information to the lower left corner .
  • net_graphpos 2: this command will place the data in the lower central area of the screen.

We encourage you to try all three positions to find the one that is most comfortable for you.


This second variant gives you the possibility to reduce the size of the font. It is a useful command, because sometimes it is annoying to have the information occupying a large part of the screen. The default option is net_graphproportionalfont 1 . If you want the data to appear smaller, type net_graphproportionalfont 0.5 and even net_graphproportionalfont 0 at the command prompt . Accept any value between 0 and 1!


Finally, with net_graphheight you can modify the height at which the net_graph information is displayed. The standard height is net_graphheight 64 and you can put a number between 0 and 9999.

Method 2: cl_showfps command

The cl_showfps command is similar to the net_graph, but is limited to displaying the game’s FPS and little else. It informs you in real time of the frames per second that you have at all times.

To see the FPS with this command, type cl_showfps 1 at the command prompt . When you want to disable the FPS, you need to open the command console again and type cl_showfps 0 . If you put the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5, it will inform you of different data such as the average response in milliseconds.

Method 3: Steam FPS counter

The Steam program includes a feature that allows you to view the FPS in any game, including CS: GO . To activate this feature, first open Steam. In the upper left corner, click on Steam → Parameters .

When you have the Parameters window open, go to the In game section . One of the sections in this section is in-game FPS counter . Right there you can activate the counter function to show the FPS in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive .

You can choose one of the four corners of the screen as the counter position . Also, the feature gives you the option to apply a high contrast color. If you don’t check the option, the counter will show you the FPS with a grayish-white color. If you check the option, the meter will be green, with a semi-transparent gray background. For clarity, we recommend turning on the high contrast color.

To remove the FPS counter from Steam, you just have to repeat the steps and select Disabled in the drop-down menu where you choose the position of the counter.

How to activate the command console in CS: GO

Activating the console in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is very simple. With the game started, go to Game Settings → Game . In the first few lines of the menu, one of the options is Activate developer console . Change No to Yes , and you will have completed the first step.

Next, without leaving Game Settings, go to Keyboard / Mouse . In it, go to the Keys section of the interface . At the end of the section you will be able to assign a key to Activate console . You can put any letter that you want; yes, make sure it does not match a letter already assigned to another action.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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