How to see Instagram without an account

Are you looking for a guide that explains in detail how to see Instagram without an account ? Very well, you found it! In this in-depth analysis we are going to show you the whole procedure to succeed in your intent.

This is not a long or complex procedure: in a few simple steps you will have reached the desired goal. So you will know exactly the various ways to be able to view the contents published on Instagram even without having a registered account. Here are all our suggestions, happy reading!

How to see Instagram without an account

You’ve recently grown curious to see what your friends and celebrities are posting on Instagram, the popular social network. However, you are not planning to register yet, and are looking for some tips on how to see Instagram without an account . Well, you’ve come to the right place at the right time! In the next few lines we will give you a whole series of instructions that will allow you to succeed.

There are several possible solutions, depending on the device you are using and the content you intend to see. So take a few minutes of free time: we are sure that, once you have finished reading the tutorial, you will have a clearer overview of what you need to do. But notice the delay, are you ready? Perfect, let’s go!

How to see Instagram posts without an account

Let’s start with the steps to take if you are wondering how to see Instagram posts without an account . To do it all you have to do is go to your favorite browser and type in the search field the name of the person whose Instagram profile you want to view, so “Name-surname-Instagram”. Your Instagram profile link will also appear in the search results.

By clicking on it (if you are from PC) or pressing it (if you are from mobile), you can connect to his profile directly on the official Instagram site . Once logged in, you will be able to see all the posts that the user has published, even clicking on them with their comments. Simple, isn’t it?

On the other hand, the discourse relating to the stories is more complex, which we see in the following paragraph step by step.

How to see Instagram stories without an account

If, on the other hand, you are wondering how to see Instagram story without an account , this is the paragraph for you. We had anticipated that this is a slightly more complex procedure, in the sense that to perfect it you need to use third-party solutions. In fact, Instagram does not include a function to view stories without being registered.

The application that we want to recommend in this article is called Instastories : it is actually a website that offers this possibility in a simple, fast and free way. To use the platform in question you need to connect to the official website and type the Instagram username of the profile whose story you intend to watch. At this point you just have to press the Enter key on the device keyboard.

Once this is done and the user’s profile has been loaded, click on the Stories item and then press the Play button next to the published stories. The service we are talking about also allows you to see featured stories. To do this, just click on the round icons that refer to the highlighted Stores created by the user.

How to see live Instagram without an account

Are you also wondering how to see live Instagram without an account ? We have bad news: this is not directly possible for the moment. Basically, in order to see them, it is necessary that the profile that published it has decided to save it and publish it in the featured stories. This way you can see them without necessarily being registered on Instagram.

Also in this case, the tool we analyzed in the previous paragraph, namely Instastories, is useful. We invite you to read the lines above to understand how to use the portal in question.

How to see Instagram without an account: conclusions

You should now have a complete and comprehensive overview of how to see Instagram without an account


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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