Do you have a business or content creator account? Find out how to see Instagram Insights by having access to your metrics.
Any Instagram user with a business or content creator account can access a number of metrics about their posts and their audience for free. For those who are curious and want to know where and how to see this data, called Instagram Insights , we explain below how to access this information and how to use it to your advantage to improve your account on the platform.
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Instagram icon (Image: Pixabay / Pexels)
What are Instagram Insights for
Instagram Insights are a series of information and metrics about your posts and the type of audience that follows you on the platform. They are viewable only by the mobile app and show how you are performing on the social network within a selected period of time. And there’s more: in addition to everything you post in Feed, you can still check the Insights of your Stories, Reels, IGTV , Lives and Ads.
This data is important for you to understand who your audience is, how is your performance on Instagram, which trends are on the rise and generate more engagement, and several other points that help to improve and grow your account.
Where are the Insights
To see your account’s general Insights, follow the steps:
- Log into your Instagram account:
Make login with your email and password;
- Go to your profile Insights:
On your profile page, click the three horizontal lines icon located in the upper right corner and tap Insights.
How to see Instagram Insights (Image: Kate Torline/Unsplash)
When you click on Insights, you will have access to a page with a summary of your statistics. Called “Insights Overview”, it has a drop-down menu at the top, showing the date that that information corresponds to. By tapping on this menu you can change this period of time, analyzing the last seven, fourteen, thirty or ninety days.
Once this coverage range is defined, along the screen you have access to the following metrics: Accounts Reached, Content Interactions, Total Followers and, finally, information about the content you shared in Feed, Stories, Reels, IGTV, Lives and Adverts. By clicking on each of these metrics, you have access to a more detailed page on the subject, with a full report on their numbers and reach.
How to see Instagram Insights
Before clicking on each of these contents and seeing its detailed information, note that in the general dashboard you already have access to a very important data: the percentage of interactions you received compared to the same period before. This means that in an analysis done between the 16th and 22nd of August (seven days), you can see how much your overall interactions have increased or decreased compared to the 9th to 15th of August (seven days earlier).
In addition, in front of each of the metrics on the screen, the value of that specific percentage for that subject is also visible. A way to see your overall performance on each of these items.
Having understood all these points, it is now possible to analyze each of the metrics provided in Instagram Insights.
Instagram Insights Overview (Image: Playback / Instagram)
Accounts reached
The first clickable metric in this list, Accounts Achieved, takes you to a page with information about users who viewed your posts in the defined time period.
At the top you have access to the total number of hit accounts. And, below that, a pie chart that shows the overall percentage of followers and non-followers for that audience, and a bar chart that shows that split for each of the content they produced (Feed, Stories, Reels, etc).
Also on this screen, you can see which were your most relevant posts for the period (based on the reach they had), the total impressions and visits to your profile, and the number of touches you got on your action buttons (buttons that connect your account to other online services).
Accounts Achieved (Image: Playback / Instagram)
Interactions with Content
At the top of Content Interactions, you can again view the total amount of interactions you have had in the selected period. And, below, how these interactions are divided into each of their content types.
In Feed posts, for example, you can see how many of these interactions were likes, how many were comments and which were your most relevant posts based on the likes. The same goes for the Stories metric, which shows the amount of responses and reactions received, and which Stories were most relevant based on the responses sent.
Your Audience / Total Followers
Under Total Followers, at the top center of the page, is the amount of followers you have in your account. Below, you can see data about your growth on the platform, such as how many followers you gained in the selected period and how many you lost.
A bar chart gives important information about your audience, such as the main cities they live in and what their age group is (total or divided between men and women). In addition, a pie chart shows how many of your followers are male and how many are female, and a column chart shows which days and times they are most active on the network.
Interactions with Content and Total Followers (Image: Playback / Instagram)
Content you shared
In addition to all these stats, Instagram even lets you see all the individual Insights of the content you’ve shared in a given period.
To analyze Feed Insights, for example, you can select the type of post you want to see (general; photos; videos or carousel post), which metric you want to use (reach; comments; shares; likes; impressions; interactions; interactions; with publications; saves; followers or taps on action buttons) and the period that should be analyzed (seven days; thirty days; three months; six months; one year or two years).
Your posts appear in descending order according to these filters. Or, if they are sorted by the most recent posts, they appear in the order posted, but with the chosen metric number.
Stories Insights work in the same way, with the difference that here the chosen metric concerns the scope of the publication. Meanwhile, for Reels, we have Video Replay metrics; in IGTV, range metrics; and, in Lives, metrics on public receptivity.
Content You Shared (Image: Playback / Instagram)
Some tips
It’s normal to get lost with so much data to analyze, but if at any time you are in doubt about the purpose of a particular Insight, both in the Overview area and in the metrics detail pages, there is an “i” icon in the upper right corner. of the screen. By tapping it, you can access a summary of the functions in each area, which can be useful at a time when you need to see a specific piece of data and can’t remember how to find it.
In addition, on a daily basis, you can follow statistics about your posts directly from them, without having to click on the Insights area of Instagram.
For this, in the photos of the Feed, click on “See Insights”, where you will have access to the main interactions of the image. The same goes for Stories (and all other types of publications) that have their Insights revealed in the chart icon.