How to search by image on Android

Sometimes we have seen the need to search by image on Android , either to find a similar one or to purchase a product that we do not know the name of and the truth is that it has been available for many years in the desktop version of Google .

Normally, we do not usually search for images on the computer, but we take a photo in a matter of seconds with our Android smartphone or iPhone of any object or place to find information related to the product.

This possibility is available on your Android device and then, we will teach you to perform both operations, both the possibility of searching for an image similar to a photo that we have found on the web, and the possibility of searching by image directly which has been made by ourselves.

How to find a person by their photo

Search by image in Chrome for Android

We spend many hours looking at our device, so it sometimes happens that we want to know more information about the image in question. Therefore, below, we will show you how to search for more information by images found.

On this occasion, we will have to use the Chrome browser on our Android smartphone instead of the Google search app, if you don’t have it you can download it from the link below.

  • Download Chrome for Android
  • Download Chrome for iOS

Now we will just follow these simple steps:

  • We will access the main page of the search engine and look for any object, place … We want to obtain related information and click on the “search” magnifying glass .
  • Once the search is done, click on the images section.
  • We choose a photo that interests us , the higher the quality of the image, the more exact the search will be and we press with our finger until different options appear, click on the one that says “ search by image in Google ”.
  • Next, results related to photography will be shown, such as a news item, a shopping website …

Search an image in Google made by us on Android

The artificial intelligence is one of the biggest developments we use today in our smartphone and we do not realize. This functionality is usually already integrated into our device.

It is Google Lens, a tool from the Mountain View company by which we can search for very interesting information about everything we find around us .

This utility, for example, is capable of distinguishing different species of plants and animals through images. The steps to follow to use Google Lens and search by image are the following:

  • We activate the Google assistant, either through the command “Ok Google” if we have it activated or through the long press of the central button of your phone.
  • We slide with our finger upwards and in the lower part, next to the microphone, the Google Lens symbol will appear (the one on the left) where we must press.
  • Pressing will open the camera. Now we will only have to focus our phone towards the object we want and click on it , when we touch the object we will see that different results similar to what we have photographed just below begin to be seen.

If we already have a photograph in our gallery and we would like to search for it, we must open Google Lens, and click on the icon at the top. Next, the gallery will open in which we will choose the photo in question so that we can search for it.

The advantage of Google Lens is that it is included in most Android devices, so you would not have to download any third-party app , but if your device, for whatever reason, does not integrate this function, you can download it below:

  • Download Google Lens Android

Also, as we say, it is very useful when it comes to knowing the species of a plant that we have just been given or the breed of our dog.

Search by image with Search By Image

Throughout the article, we have seen the different options that exist without having to resort to the Google Play application store. In the event that the other methods do not convince us , and we prefer to use a third-party app, we can download, for example, ” Search By Image “.

It is an app through which we can choose a photograph from our gallery or take it at that moment.

Once the photograph has been chosen, the application will begin to search for it in different search engines through which we will be able to compare the different results offered by each one of them.

  • Download Search By Image for Android

Search image using PictPicks

In addition to the previous app, there are others like PictPicks . It is an app that allows us to search for both photographs that we take ourselves and those downloaded from the web. A peculiarity of this application is the possibility of filtering the search results.

To be able to search by image in PictPicks we must follow the following steps:

  • Open PictPicks and click on the three bars located in the upper left in ” Search by image “.
  • Next, we will have to look at the right part where the icon of a camera and a gallery are shown depending on which source we choose to search for the image.

In addition, through this application we will be shown the size of the photograph before even downloading it.

  • Download PictPicks for Android

Although it should be noted that they are not exact results, image searches on Android can often open our minds and look for some similarities or find the appropriate information.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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