How to replace the cmd system symbol by powershell in Windows

Computer systems are very useful as they allow you to execute commands on your computer to automate processes . Having good programming knowledge is very useful as it will allow you to get the best out of your computer.

Computing has evolved a lot in our days and today there are many options for programmers to do their work. In this article we have brought you an alternative to the cmd command prompt that allows you to have many more functionalities.

If you are interested in programming then you should know more about PowerShell since the functions it brings are much better than other interfaces.

So if you want to know how to replace your default cmd with PowerShell you are in the right place. We will explain you step by step how to do it so you do not have any problems.

What is Powershell?

Originally known as Windows PowerShell , it is a console interface that gives you the ability to have a script of instructions. PowerShell is designed for use by system administrators with the goal of becoming a powerful tool.

Having this interface will help you automate tasks and perform them in a controlled way. Thus, it is a great ally for all those who need to have a reliable system.

This system was originally named MONAD in 2003 but its official name was changed to the public in 2006. On August 15, 2016 Microsoft released the PowerShell source code and changed its name to PowerShell Core.

Unlike many other programs similar to it, it differs because it is based on .NET technology. This makes you have a command line shell with a scripting language.

Unlike the other Shells that accept and return text , PowerShell accepts and returns .NET objects . This radical change brings more completely new tools and functionality for automation.

Allowing PowerShell to become one of the best options for all those system administrators. So, if you are thinking of replacing your cmd system with this new interface, rest assured that we will show you how to do it. We also recommend reading this article with which you will learn How to enable the execution of PowerShell Scripts in Windows 10?

How to replace my Windows cmd system with PowerShell?Replacing the Command Prompt (CMD) system symbol with PowerShell in Windows can be done through a few steps. Here’s a tabular guide to help you with the process:

Step Action Description
1 Open Taskbar Settings Right-click on the taskbar and select ‘Taskbar settings’.
2 Navigate to the Start Menu Section Scroll down to find the ‘Start Menu’ section.
3 Access Advanced Start Menu Options Look for an option related to the command prompt and PowerShell, often labeled as ‘Replace Command Prompt…’.
4 Enable PowerShell Replacement Toggle the switch or check the box to replace Command Prompt with PowerShell in the menu.
5 Save Changes Ensure your settings are saved. Typically, this is automatic, but you might need to click an ‘Apply’ button.
6 Verify Changes Right-click on the Start button or press ‘Windows + X’ to check if PowerShell has replaced Command Prompt.

This guide is based on general steps that apply to most versions of Windows. However, the exact navigation paths and labels may vary slightly depending on your specific version of Windows.

The most normal or common is that users use the Command Prompt or cmd , since it is what they are used to using. And since PowerShell seems to be the same, they keep using the Command Prompt when they need it.

However, it is important to note that PowerShell is not the same. What’s more, it is a fairly powerful tool with which you can do other kinds of things.

Are you encouraged to use PowerShell to try something new? We will show you below what you have to do to achieve it.

Step 1

The first thing you should do is click on the Start menu and go to the Settings section. Once you are in the settings, you must access Personalization. When you enter this section, locate the Taskbar and click on it.

Step 2

As a last step you must locate among the options on the screen, a call Replace the Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell. Now to activate this option you must click on the start button or type the command Windows + X.

It is important to remember that this option is included in the new Microsoft Creators Update update . So you may not have realized that you use PowerShell.

Now if you want to go back to the traditional cmd Command Prompt, you’ll be happy to know that it is possible to leave it as it was before. You simply have to follow the steps mentioned above to the letter, only this time you will make a slight change. Go to:

Settings> Personalization> Taskbar> Replace the Command Prompt with Windows PowerShell and disable it by clicking the Start button or with the Windows + X command. Now, if you want to remove or completely uninstall PowerShell from Windows 10, this article it is of your interest.

Ready, you can activate or deactivate your PowerShell as you prefer. Windows 10 continues to surprise us with its big updates, and we may sometimes fall behind. That is why it is important to visit the Microsoft Update home page from time to time to find out what new updates will be released.

Also check this link as you will learn how to list Windows on and off events with PowerShell.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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